Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: paolovalletta
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 75.00
- Datum start : 08-05-2012 18:22
- Datum einde : 18-05-2012 18:22
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 94
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
also the style for letter use, business cards etc...corporate design
new italian, elegant, stylish, modern fashion brand
Paolo Valletta
authenticity but modern
city-people, the modern business young man/woman, fashionistas.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
colors: black-white-grey
a shade of purple, shadoweed, in a shadow
it must represent style, and a bit retro-vintage-50s flair, twist
fonttype, i used an old MS Word-version, Broadway fonttype,,,i would like to keep it or revised by you!
Toelichting van de designer silvio:
Hello Paolo, Here some designs with different circels and grey. Best regards Silvio
paolovalletta zegt :
yes, also very excellent!
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Toelichting van de designer silvio:
Hello Paolo,
Here the design with different grey..
best regards, Silvio -
paolovalletta zegt :
yes. i likt the 3 designs, above as best of the sheet.
its hard to decide,,,as i have already many choices to choose out. I do think you re good! -
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Toelichting van de designer silvio:
Dear Paolo,
Here the design without the pay-off.
Best regards Silvio -
paolovalletta zegt :
can you use 2 different colours grey, 1 a darker, not to dark grey, and 1 lighter colour grey?
can you -lower- the brandname?, but it has to fit inside the circle -
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Toelichting van de designer silvio:
Here are logo's in different styles. Best regards Silvio
paolovalletta zegt :
no, im sorry.
i think i like your previous design best.
but can you addapt that previos design?
delete the tekst : modern fashion
can you -lower- the brandname Paolo Valletta, a bit, inside the circle.
can you use 2 different colors grey for the 2 half circles
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Toelichting van de designer silvio:
A new design with circel. Best regards Silvio
paolovalletta zegt :
could you make more designs like this?
the circle doesnt has to be so -obvious-, but can be subtle, half circle or combination of circles,
pls delete the tekst : modern fashion
paolovalletta zegt :
could you delete the tekst : modern fashion??
then i would like to keep this circle as option for final choice...but delete the modern fashion,,,first...
please keep on making some variations on this design....maybe i ll like other variation more...better... -
paolovalletta zegt :
use 2 different colors grey for the half circles...
can you lower, the brandname Paolo Valletta,,,not so exactly in the center ,,, -
paolovalletta zegt :
keep the O symbolo-logo of Oprah in mind as example
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Toelichting van de designer silvio:
Paola, here is my second design with a shade of purple. Best regards, Silvio
paolovalletta zegt :
Its : Paolo Valletta, not Paola.
can you delete the curled line under rhe circle?
can you delete -modern fashion-
the circle is a bit tough, teenage.
can you re-design the circle in a more elegant refined circle, it can also be 2 thin circles, combined, something like the O logo of Oprah...please keep in mind the elegance, chique part...
could you place the brand Paolo Valletta more -inside- the circle? -
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Toelichting van de designer silvio:
Hello Paola,
Here is my corporate design for the company Paola Valletta. the line shows a P but you can also see a person in the line and circel. The Broadway lettertype is a good choice. Best regards, Silvio -
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