Logo + huisstijl voor nieuw HR recruitment bedrijf
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: yentle@intevu.be
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 459.00
- Datum start : 07-01-2018 11:48
- Datum einde : 14-01-2018 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 147
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Belangrijk is dat onze huisstijl vertrouwen, professionaliteit en dynamische uitstraalt. Het mag zeker een stukje speels zijn, met een leuke start-up vibe.
HR Recruitment kantoor - Startup vibe - kwaliteit - dynamische omgeving
Name: Intevu
Slogan: All about people
ruime doelgroep - > bedrijven op zoek naar nieuw talent (KMO & enterprise)
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Warme kleuren bij voorkeur
Bestaande logo's die we leuk vinden: Stuart: Ahead in Cloud (bijlage)
Toelichting van de designer ebotomarie:
Hi and thank you for this opportunity to work on a project with a startup vibe!
I created a logo that has some symetrical elements, but that is not TOO symetrical, assuming the perfect match between a candidate and an employer would be the proper balance between their similarities and their differences.
Here intevu is making the link.
Have a nice day,
Mlak -
yentle@intevu.be zegt :
Thank you for providing me with your design. I love the style and simplicity you used. If I would choose your design at the end of the week, will you be able to provide me with a full corporate identity aswel (paper header, business card, logo material,...)? Best regards, Yentle -
yentle@intevu.be zegt :
Thank you for providing me with your design. I love the style and simplicity you used. If I would choose your design at the end of the week, will you be able to provide me with a full corporate identity aswel (paper header, business card, logo material,...)? Best regards, Yentle -
ebotomarie zegt
Yes of course, I always think my logos as part of a full visual identity so it's easier to decline.
I can offer you the paper header, the business card and you will of course get your logo with colorsheme and font references.
If you need more to build your full corporate identity, please tell me and I will send you my prices.
Thank you for this appreciation,
Best regards,
Mlak -
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