Logo ontwerpen voor Coach Marijn
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Marijn11
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 16-09-2019 22:05
- Datum einde : 06-10-2019 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 120
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Coach/trainer in de jeugdzorg en jongvolwassenen.
Ben een mannelijke hulpverlener/coach die ook recht voor zn raap is.
Ik kijk vooral naar de krachten van de cliënt. Daarnaast ook weerbaarheidstrainingen.
Logo mag stoer zijn, strak en modern. 'Coach Marijn' erbij.
Coachingspraktijk in de Jeugdzorg en voor (jong)volwassenen
Jeugd en (Jong)volwassenen die sociaal emotionele problemen ervaren.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer qumaraART:
Hello Marijn11
I hope you like my design, please give a rating and comment ... I add the letter M to form like a person who is waving. thank you for all the input, I will provide the best for you. thank you
best regards -
Marijn11 zegt :
Please look at the file I uploaded. File number 1
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Toelichting van de designer qumaraART:
Hello Marijn11 ...
I slightly changed the letter C by adding a half circle until it really resembled the letter C instead of Y, and I added the letter M in the middle, hopefully you like it. best regards -
Marijn11 zegt :
I like it, but still like the first one you made the best. I only think you have to make it one piece. I've added a file with the best paint I have ;) . File number 1.
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Toelichting van de designer qumaraART:
Dear Marijn11 ...
Hopefully you like the letter M that I made to complement your company initials, please provide comments and ratings for this design refisi. thank you
glad to work with you.
best regards -
Marijn11 zegt :
Thanks! I think it's a bit too busy and too much M in it. Can you make it in one piece? Like my first file, TU.Design made for me?
qumaraART zegt
Thank you for the comment, I will be happy to make it again for you ...
Marijn11 zegt :
looking forward to it!
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Toelichting van de designer qumaraART:
Dear Marijn11 ...
I changed the appearance a little so it really looks like the letter C is not like Y, I hope you like it, Best regards -
Marijn11 zegt :
Ok, to be honest. You are on pole position right now. I like the first one better btw without the change.
I really like these colors and shades, also the font style. But I also want a pay-off at the right with Coach Marijn. So maybe you can make something with your style (the shades, font and colors) and the logo with the C and M combibed, like TU.Design made for me.
Hope you understand. -
qumaraART zegt
Thanks for the comments and input I will try to make it again without changing the initial concept of my design, maybe I will add the letter M in accordance with that style. glad to work with you
best regards -
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Toelichting van de designer qumaraART:
Dear Marinj11 ...
I made a third new design for you
I hope you like it, please give a rating and comment,
I am ready to revise it if there are deficiencies in the design that I made.
thank you
best regards -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Toelichting van de designer qumaraART:
Dear Marinj11 ...
I made a second new design for you
I hope you like it, please give a rating and comment,
I am ready to revise it if there are deficiencies in the design that I made.
thank you
best regards -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Toelichting van de designer qumaraART:
Hello Marijn11 ...
I made the design according to your brief,
I hope you like it, please give a rating and comment,
I am ready to revise it if there are deficiencies in the design that I made.
thank you
best regards -
Marijn11 zegt :
Nice I like your style and font style. As I like the one from I graphic design. I guess the fifth one. And TU design. Maybe you can merge the three to one logo? :)
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