Logo en huisstijl voor nieuw pindakaasmerk: Pindalicious
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: Pindalicious
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 459.00
- Datum start : 19-06-2018 10:33
- Datum einde : 16-07-2018 09:07
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 106
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factor zegt
Here is my work for your new visual identity. You can see the files in good quality by clicking on the images.
I tried to bring my experience in graphic design to create a powerful and distinctive logo. I hope you will enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed working on your project.
I await your feedback and I remain at your disposal.
Milla Lekic
mymyfamous@gmail.com -
Maryem zegt
you could not invent anything else instead of copying my logo!
Maryem zegt
factor zegt
I see you new here. I worked on my first design, client look for font and i use different font with different ellipse with bold front and back part. You just put some ellipse like circle and think someone else can't use?!
Maryem zegt
I'm new on this site but my dear I do this job for years and a degree in graphics and communication!
Instead of changing fonts (which by the way is also horrible) and change the elisse (which is not suitable to be transported on sweaters) you have copied an idea and the question ends there! I do not think the customer will choose something copied! shame! -
factor zegt
I saw your works and it acts as if you were a beginner in this job. I work on client requests if you read requests. Also if my font so bad like you tell why you comment on my work and think i will win contest if you explained how my design bad. You have to be shame to comment design of other designer. and try you influence the decisions of client, if "which is not suitable to be transported on sweaters"-is my decision how i will present MY design to client. I think in "degree in graphics" teaches you how to present design, and how to use PS. i wish you all best.
Milla Lekic (top 16 designer on this site - no degree in graphics but whit more then 5 year of experiences) -
Maryem zegt
I will not forget to report!
Maryem zegt
comment because I do not like those who take credit for something that has copied! the best to copy.
good luck to you too -
factor zegt
Please report, brandsupply just wait for you. All your design is similar with design of other designer how upload work before you. Why you not report them too. Read requests of client, and work on your idea. i work on requests client with font, color, and ellipse which all designer can use(cube, circle....). my ellipse is not like ellipse of other designer is unique. This is my last comment, next i will report you for offensive comments on my design.
Maryem zegt
your work is all you want except one.
good luck and win the best -
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factor zegt
Here is my work for your new visual identity. You can see the files in good quality by clicking on the images.
I tried to bring my experience in graphic design to create a powerful and distinctive logo. I hope you will enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed working on your project.
I await your feedback and I remain at your disposal.
Milla Lekic
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