pediatrician for expats
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Boedewijn
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 250.00
- Datum start : 12-09-2018 00:30
- Datum einde : 26-09-2018 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 50
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
We want to start with a logo and "huisstijl".
Name will be "Kunde"
Later also a slogan, business cards and flyers will be need to be designed.
Pediatrician (Clinic) start-up in Mexico City.
Pediatricians focusing on foreigners.
The company´s niche is that we speak different languages beside Spanish.
- Expat/ Non-Mexican
- Mothers
- Age: 28 - 43
- Higher economic level / Quality focused
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Not known yet.
Option is the combination: HEX: #009AA6 & #E98306 & # 747678.
But this is also still open. As long as it is warm cosy, luxury, world class.
AP creative lab
AP creative lab zegt
Good morning,
here the third version. I change the slogan-font and used a google font (free for personal and commercial use). Now is more visible (i test the logo-name and slogan in different situation: paper and signboard). If you wish see other changes, or how a possible name look, please let me know.
Kind regards
AP creative Lab -
AP creative lab zegt
Hello customer, i saw the rating grow down from 4* to 3*. Do you wish see another logo? Or you think i can improve this one?
Kind regards
AP creative Lab -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
AP creative lab zegt
Second option: new company name, new combination color, new font (for company name and possible slogan)
logo in vertical and orizzontal version
please if you wish see other 'option', will be a pleasure work for match youw wishes.
Kind regards
AP creative Lab -
Boedewijn zegt :
The "pediatricians" part below is not well readable . The letter type is ok. i think I like the blue white one best.
AP creative lab zegt
Hello customer, i will work for the slogan font more readable.
See you soon with new version.
Kind regards
AP -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Boedewijn zegt :
This could be be an option.
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.