Webdesign for online shop
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: Tim89
- Categorie: Webpagina design
- Totaal budget: € 399.00
- Datum start : 10-04-2017 21:51
- Datum einde : 07-05-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 28
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
The layout needs to be simple but firm and cool looking, easy to spot and navigate.
At top of frontpage a cool looking banner.
Order website
- Logo
- Menu (Games, Consoles, Virtual Reality, Accessories) something like this
- Banner
- Sales
- New products
- Footbanner (FAQ, Contact, etc etc etc)
1. Logo
2. Colors
3. Logo file - for white and dark backgrounds
Shop for Gaming.
My shop will be selling lots of stuff for Gaming of all kinds of Video Games and accessories.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Hi Tim,
The logo was not attached for a black background. Did you mean like this?
I changed the buttons in new products and made the subscribe button greyish, blue didn't really fit (;
Kind regards, Daan -
Schiltzontwerper zegt
Please let me know if you want anything else changed! As always glad to change that for you (:
Tim89 zegt :
Hello Daan,
I like the top part of your website.
Altho the end of this details is coming to an end and i have to make a hard decision to chose which will be the one.
Unfortunally i have my eyes on some other designs. Thanks for your designs!
Best regards,
Tim -
Schiltzontwerper zegt
ok no problem
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Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Glad to hear that we are going in the right direction!
Hereby the changes..
In the Sales section, I made the buttons grey. In the new products section I changed them into the blue of the logo. Which one do you prefer?
Btw, I can always delete the first designs to upload more new ones, so no worries, infinite ideas if you would like!
Best regards, Daan -
Tim89 zegt :
Hello Daan,
The logo is not exactly what i ment.
1. The controller stays the same, the wordt go white except the A in Gaming. The logo file should have that version of what i ment.
2. The buttons in 'sales' i want the same as in 'New Products'.
3. The subribe button the black word would be looking better as blue i think.
Looking forward.
Kind regards,
Tim -
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Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Hi Tim,
What do you think?
I made a new and cleaner design for the menu and changed the position of the 'new products' - info and buy - button.
Regards, Daan -
Tim89 zegt :
Hello Daan,
This is somewhat more what i want.
I want some things different tho.
1. The logo, can you use the Logo file for Black Background. The white version of the logo, it suits this design better. So you can leave the white background from behind the logo and have the white version of the logo on the banner.
2. The menu look much better and nicer.
3. The New Products content is also looking much better now. Except the black buttons is too straight forward. Can you make those buttons with grey as previous design and then only an outerline without any fill color.
4. The color of the Sales Content i want in white, but with a line or something fancy to seperate it's content from New Products.
If you have any questions feel free to ask, you only have limited designs you can send in.
Looking forward!
Kind regards,
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Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Tim, like this?
Tim89 zegt :
Hello Daan,
It's somewhat more like it.
The grey is more suited i think so far.
1. One that that bothers me still is the logo with the menu. Can you come with a new idea?
2. New Products - The prices with button Info and Buy are not in the position i want, can you change the positions of it.
3. Newsletter is more like it.
4. The Social Media buttons, can you change the color black into grey or blue of the logo.
Looking forward!
Best regards,
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Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Hi Tim,
Indeed the grey color didn't really fit the design, I noticed that too. I changed it to black and made it a lot smaller.
I did leave some white space between the menu and the banner, for the logo to become larger. This also creates a line between the menu and banner (what I think is good).
Is the Newsletter text replacement correct like this ? or did you want it to appear above the email and subscribe text?
Looking forward to your feedback !
Best regards, Daan -
Tim89 zegt :
Hello Daan,
1. The menu looks better now, the size of it.
2. Logo size also better.
3. I want to try something different, possible to change all the black color into the color from the logo? darker grey ish.
4. The search box, can you seperate it from the menu?
5. Would like to see prices on the products.
6. The newsletter, i want it next to the 'Subscribe' button on the left, under 'Email' box.
Looking forward again!
Best regards,
Tim -
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Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Hi again Tim!
Hereby the changes, based upon your feedback. Please let me know what is good and what isn't.
If you'd like me to focus separately on the home design for example, let me know.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Kind regards, Daan -
Tim89 zegt :
Hello Daan,
I will start what i want different.
1. Menu - the background and buttons are too big. The font size is good tho. The grey background doesn't fit the design, can you use black? The overlay blue is good.
2. The Search Button - can you align it to the banner.
3. The Sales - content is too high, can you make it thinner then the banner?
4. New Products - same goes for this content as for "The Sales content" here you can leave the info text as it takes space.
5. Button - Learn More button can be replace with 1 button for 'Info' and the other 'Buy'.
6. Newsletter - you can put on the left side the button the text 'Newsletter'.
7. Social Media - you can leave out the button 'Picasa' and 'Google+', not going to use those.
8. Logo - can you make the logo larger, it's not standing out.
The rest looks good so far!
Best regards, Tim -
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Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Something more like this ? Kind regards, Daan
Tim89 zegt :
Hello Daan,
Thanks for your design.
Couple of things to change.
1. The menu i too plain, a cool looking menu is a must (smaller overlay aswell).
2. The order of content: Banner - Sales - New Products - Footer
3. Some line between contents, in this case Virtual Reality and Acesoires.
4. Social Media footer can be removed, you can place it in the bottom big footer instead of video of the week.
5. Top new can also be removed, you can place a small menu there again.
6. Newsletter changed to be only a textbox for email and button Subscribe, nothing else. Keep it small and simple.
All other things look good so far, i might come back later on those. First i want the main content to be done correct.
Looking forward to your next design! -
Schiltzontwerper zegt
Thank you for the feedback! I will try to change all this as soon as possible!
I have a question though about the assignment. Are you only expecting a layout in photoshop or illustrator or also a HTML structure?
Regards, Daan -
Tim89 zegt :
Thanks, looking forward to it. It's only the design I want. Just the Photoshop or Illustrator file.
Best regards,
Tim -
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Toelichting van de designer Schiltzontwerper:
Hi Tim, hereby a first design/style/impression for your website. Regards, Daan
Tim89 zegt :
Hi Daan,
Thanks for the design, it's unfortunally not what i'm looking for. I want something more fancy looking. With a banner and more fancy looking menu and footer.
Have to say that the budget is low, i need to set it higher, waiting for Brandsupply to reply on my request.
Best regards,
Tim -
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