Ontwerp een huisstijl voor een interieurwinkel in interieurmerk
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
De winkel heet ‘Vier’, als in ons huisnummer, maar ook als in ‘het vieren van…’. De naam Vier mag voluit geschreven worden, maar mag ook het cijfer 4 zijn.
We hebben hiervoor een complete huisstijl nodig, welk minimaal zal moeten bestaan uit:
- Logo
- Briefpapier
- Enveloppen
- Visitekaartjes
We hebben zelf nog niet echt ideeën over het logo en de huisstijl, dus wij laten ons graag verrassen. Als het past binnen de design meubelbranche, zijn we al een heel eind op weg.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer mikidejanovic:
The font used in the logo is Bre Sheriff with small modifications with the letters "V" and "I".
Greeting -
mikidejanovic zegt
Sory, not Bre Sheriff - Bree Serif
mikidejanovic zegt
Sory, not Bre Sheriff - Bree Serif
Jaimy zegt :
Thanks for your nice designs. We would probably have some extra small changes made in the end, but it looks great already.
Could you tell me if it's possible the get the letter paper and envelope as a pdf but also as a word document?
Further we would like to receive the the logo and all documents as an esp, psd and png.
Final details and contactdetails for the business card, envelope and letter paper will follow. -
mikidejanovic zegt
Of course. In case you choose my design as you get all the best as you requested, with the changes that you want
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Jaimy zegt :
We like the blue version the best. But probably than #5fa4b4 (that's a bit less baby-blue ;-)) -
Jaimy zegt :
Also wanted to ask you, are you using aan existing font, or combined/designed font?
I'asking because I need to know if it's a usable webfont for our website. -
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Jaimy zegt :
Could you move the contactdetails to the footer on 1 line.
Vier | adress | telephone | email adress | website
And maybe try on a second line
VAT number | Chamber of commerce number | bank account number
In the header no details. Keep the complete/long line for now.
On the envelope only the icons or only words. (same contact details as on business card)
The business card a explained in a former reaction. -
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Jaimy zegt :
We like the 4 in the corner at the back of the card. Maybe move the logo a bit to the left?
And make the back of the card 'blue' and the front with the contactdetails white.
We do not want the 'furniture store' on the card. Just use the regular logo, without the extra line in different color tones.
Also, if you use the contact-icon, we don't need the icon explained in words after it. So only icons, or only words.
Keep it very clean and simple ;-) -
Jaimy zegt :
Items on business card can be:
Email adress
Website -
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Jaimy zegt :
Hi, we like this one with the 'blue' color. But are not crazy about the brown/beige. Could you make some versions with a differtent second color, so we can see the difference? So the 'blue' stays, but some different colors for the brown/beige.
Jaimy zegt :
Also, we don't like the shade anyway. sorry. We wanted to see if it could mak a nice detail. But we like it more without a shade.
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Jaimy zegt :
Is it possible to also put in a shadow in the white background version?
Maybe a version in color #315a6c (or simular) -
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Jaimy zegt :
This one whith the small font is also nice. Looks a bit more friendly.
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Jaimy zegt :
Hello! Thanks for your designs. I like this one the best. But we do not want a subtitel in the logo. Also the letters are bolder than the 4. Can't promiss this is the wat to go, but there might be something there. Jaimy
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