Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher

Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons

  • Wedstrijd van: btimmer
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Totaal budget: € 269.00
  • Datum start : 17-05-2018 12:17
  • Datum einde : 11-06-2018 10:06
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 103
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


Hi everyone, recently i started my new company; i teach yoga to golfers.

By doing my form of yoga the golfers will improve their posture and flexibility, and therefore improve their golf game.
I will be teaching golf players yoga at their local golf club. they will probably be new to yoga.
but by teaching them yoga they will be able to hit bals harder and further. they will be more flexible as well.
they will feel better and be able to enjoy the game more. it is going to be lessons for all levels.

I am looking for a logo in which both elements are present. golf and yoga. and the name.

The target group is golf players who are new to yoga.

The company is called Backswing-Golfyoga

It should apeal to the traditional golf player and have a basic element of yoga, not too complicated postures, and not spiritual, like lotusflower, yogi posture is also a little too obvious.

It should display a sports feel/ golf feel more than a yoga feel. an equal combination is best! not too much on the spiritual yoga side.

So my idea was an abstract figure (see example) doing a golf backswing, since this is very fitting (or maybe obvious) Im absolutely open to your creative alternatives

and somehow maybe add an element of yoga which combines well to a nice complete logo, something that works together.

I have 3 idea's of which the first i like best. ( i also added an home made example of what i mean)

so first idea, 2 abstract figures of the same style one arches her back for the golf swing, the other arches his back for the yoga posture in a back bend (see example).
this way they can form a whole (almost a complete circle). the bend in their backs is a bit exagerated, some extra emphasis. with an open circle in the middle (which adds the affect of unifiying yoga and golf).
I added an example really rough idea. but I think if you use 2 of the same style figures it can be a
nice completion. showing the unity between golf and yoga and making a circle. both bending the opposite way and uniting.
it would be nice to have a (subtle) man shape doing the yoga posture, and (subtle) woman figure doing the backswing golf posture.
and also maybe a version without man or woman shapes (non-sex) to compare, see what works best.

(im not set on the lettertype i used, but i like simple and clean also the hanging g, the curved shapes, and the same g-g in backswing-golfyoga)

second. I had the idea of a black abstract figure doing a backswing, with a shadow of a bend over yoga posture forming a cirkle around the figure doing the backswing. im not sure if it works.

third idea is to use 2 figures in different colours, one in the golf, backswing, intertwined with another figure doing a yoga asana. without making it too messy.

Im not set on the idea, im definately open to suggestions.

whats most important is the combination of the elements golf, appealing and recognisable to a traditional crowd of golfers, some element they recognise, and add the element of yoga.
but not too spiritual-yoga-style. the average golfer will not recognise a lotus flower as an element of yoga if you know what i mean.
it would be great to bring the 2 elements of golf and yoga together, unifiying the two as one. showing ;yoga will improve your golf. it belongs together.

I like the use of black and white, in which the white part also represents something, less is more.

there are some examples in the attachments



Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

  • Logo # 861143 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer DeOntwerper:

      The original logo with original font for "Backswing" and underneath in a slightly smaller size "golf yoga" in a different minor swinging font.

      On reflection, the font for "Backswing" fits perfectly with the swing of the golf illustration and the new font for "golfyoga" fits perfectly with the slightly quieter relaxing yoga illustration.

      With kind regards,


    2. btimmer zegt :

      I agree on the Backswing font fitting the swing very well.
      But the golfyoga font, i dont like the closed g. I found a more modern one, can you try this?

      Arial Nova Cond Light, thanks

    3. btimmer zegt :

      we decided this is the winning design! Can you make everything in order for the logo to be used on the website and business cards etc? thank you, I will proceed to make the arrangement with brandsupply

    4. btimmer zegt :

      we decided this is the winning design! Can you make everything in order for the logo to be used on the website and business cards etc? thank you, I will proceed to make the arrangement with brandsupply

    5. btimmer zegt :

      we decided this is the winning design! Can you make everything in order for the logo to be used on the website and business cards etc? thank you, I will proceed to make the arrangement with brandsupply

    6. btimmer zegt :

      we decided this is the winning design! Can you make everything in order for the logo to be used on the website and business cards etc? thank you, I will proceed to make the arrangement with brandsupply

    7. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

  • Logo # 864599 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer DeOntwerper:

      Arial Nova Cond Light,in capitals, with a
      space between GOLF YOGA

    2. btimmer zegt :

      hi, thanks. we've decided to go with the one you originally made, with this post

      The original logo with original font for "Backswing" and underneath in a slightly smaller size "golf yoga" in a different minor swinging font.

      On reflection, the font for "Backswing" fits perfectly with the swing of the golf illustration and the new font for "golfyoga" fits perfectly with the slightly quieter relaxing yoga illustration.

    3. btimmer zegt :

      hi, thanks. we've decided to go with the one you originally made, with this post

      The original logo with original font for "Backswing" and underneath in a slightly smaller size "golf yoga" in a different minor swinging font.

      On reflection, the font for "Backswing" fits perfectly with the swing of the golf illustration and the new font for "golfyoga" fits perfectly with the slightly quieter relaxing yoga illustration.

    4. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

  • Logo # 863772 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. btimmer zegt :

      sorry i meant to say, Arial Nova Cond Light, but in capitals, with a space between GOLF YOGA

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  • Logo # 860978 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. btimmer zegt :

      Thanks for the other idea's , I think i like the original best. But for the letters can you try Backswing and Golfyoga under each other with the original (man golf woman yoga), (like you did with the new design)
      And the size; Backswing a little bit smaller (Perhaps Backswing just a little wider than the size of the logo) and Golfyoga a little bigger, so a smaller difference between the two words. But still backswing bigger and golfyoga smaller underneath.

      I think doing backswing and golfyoga in two different lettertypes works well. Using a very clear lettertype for golfyoga and a little more swing to the backswing lettertype.
      But these don't quite work for me yet. I don't like that the y/g cuts short in backswing, Can you try some different versions?

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  • Logo # 860933 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 860689 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer DeOntwerper:

      I have first adjusted the "f" and with that the readability is better.
      Do you share this opinion?

      Otherwise I will choose a different font.

    2. btimmer zegt :

      I think its a slight improvement, the feedback i got was the same as my initial impression, the letters are a bit too swayee, with thin lines. Im curious to see if the other options i suggested might work better. And not sure if you can but, initially i had the idea of a woman in the golf posture and a man in the yoga posture just to get away from the classical approach.

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  • Logo # 859268 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Geen commentaar

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  • Logo # 859260 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. btimmer zegt :

      we like the logo a lot. maybe some minor adjustments. can you show me the white/black version?
      can you maybe make a variation on the lettertype? One a little bit less swaying (allthough i do like this one), because some people may find the
      golfyoga part hard to read, because of the f. because its a new word, it should be very clear. maybe a different lettertype for Backswing, and Golfyoga works?
      Can you try a version in which Backswing and golfyoga are underneath each other (maybe the word Backswing a bit bigger)? As well as a version Backswing-golfyoga, in another little bit less swaying lettertype.

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  • Logo # 858947 voor Design a fitting logo for a yoga-golf teacher wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. btimmer zegt :

      nice, i like the balance between two figures, not what i had originally in mind, a little more classical but nevertheless good. Im just not sure about the two cirkels, can you try a variation on that? It should not give the impression of a hart.

    2. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

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