Design nieuw logo voor jong bedrijf, Boost bijles!!
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: boostbijles
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 229.00
- Datum start : 30-12-2015 10:27
- Datum einde : 03-02-2016 10:04
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 123
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Wij zijn boost! een bedrijf die een platform voor studenten wil gaan ontwikkelen om zo het vraag en aanbod naar elkaar toe te brengen van mensen die bijles zoeken en bijles geven. Er komt een website + app voor ons bedrijf en We zijn op zoek naar een pakkend logo.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Het moet er rustgevend maar heel professioneel en vertrouwelijk uitzien. Wees creatief! Graag ontvangen we ook ontwerpen in twee kleuren.
Blue Nights Design
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VirtualLies zegt
Nice combination of your and my design. Good luck.
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Blue Nights Design zegt
I have made this last night but I thought that I didn't need to post it cause I really liked the logo with one student but here I posted it you might like it.
About the colors, I have tried all the blue colors which are mat could you check it out from your cellphone knowing that in most cases they have a better color so you can really see it.
And about the letter's O it isn't a problem for me to make a connection in a shape 8 but Im afraid for the time, there isn't much left I have followed all your instructions I can try but I'm not sure that I can make it to be exact in this short period.
As well to make the student the same size as the tutor it's not a problem just the time is a bit short, personally I think that tutor should be bigger and dominate the logo because he is giving knowledge to the student and at the same time he is bigger. :)
Kind regards,
Sonja -
boostbijles zegt :
Did you read my feedback from the design before??
This designs are creative too but I dont like them so much -
boostbijles zegt :
Ahh yes I see time is short but I think it is possible to extend. You are not sure if the tutor is bigger because it could be possible that a student of 24 years old can teach some subjects to an older student for example. A connection from the letter O's maybe makes the connection between the tutor and student clearer???
Blue Nights Design zegt
Yes, I posted this just for fun to be honest which I wrote in the comment up.
The focus stays on the logo which you said that you prefer the most in the last comment. There isn't much time but I can make it during the day and send you on email so you can check it out honestly there isn't no time left.
Sonja -
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boostbijles zegt :
I do really like the 1st and 3th logo! I have to discuss with my colleagues what they think. For myself: the book is a bit too dark( I think). Maybe another color or white pages is better? Im still not sure about this color blue..... Maybe you can work on this first and when I have spoken to my colleagues then I will let you know their feedback. Almost there!
boostbijles zegt :
I do like the color of the logo in the middle more though. It is flashy. The logo is more noticeable I think when the color is brighter.
boostbijles zegt :
Can you maybe connect the O's. So it looks like a connection? And maybe the owl and the student same size? maybe students dont want to see that they are smaller.... Not sure about this but would like to see it
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boostbijles zegt :
Hello, Thanks for the design. However I meant that I just wanted to see a different font in letters. Just another type of letters. just BOOST -BIJLES-. That design you had before with different colors blue and different fonts. furthermore I am curious if you could have this owl with the book of your other design. Lastly, if possible, Our company wants to bring tutor and student together. could you maybe do something with the design so you can see from the logo that we bring tutor and student together?
Blue Nights Design zegt
I have posted fonts for which I think are right for your business, though do you want each letter to be different or the whole word? Just watch the text part knowing that the owl and book are used just to show the text in the logo.
Do you think of the book from one part on my previous logo?
Else I understand.
PS. Last I have posted the last two posts because of color and text. Sadly the site rules obligate me to post photos in low resolution so you might not see all the details.
Best regards,
boostbijles zegt :
I just want the same as the design i gave 4 stars. Like number 4 from this design. BOOST -BIJLES- but then in different lettertype designs. Yes from the other recent logo with the 2 starts. I would like to see that book under the owl of this design. And as i told before, if possible, show in the design that we bring tutor and student together.
boostbijles zegt :
Thanks for your effort! keep up the good work because we are getting close
boostbijles zegt :
just use the design which I gave 4 stars. just change the letter types. So I can see which one I like the most, but keep it like BOOST -BIJLES- . Furthermore I would like to see how it looks if you change this book for the book you have in the design wheere I gave you 4 stars
Blue Nights Design zegt
I will post the design today in a few hours, with a student with a book from the previous logo! I understand you! :)
Thank you for all the feedback and help I received from you.
So I honestly hope that you will like the newest design and at the same time justify your trust in my design.
Kind regards,
Sonja -
Blue Nights Design zegt
I will post the design today in a few hours, with a student with a book from the previous logo! I understand you! :)
Thank you for all the feedback and help I received from you.
So I honestly hope that you will like the newest design and at the same time justify your trust in my design.
Kind regards,
Sonja -
Blue Nights Design zegt
I will post the design today in a few hours, with a student with a book from the previous logo! I understand you! :)
Thank you for all the feedback and help I received from you.
So I honestly hope that you will like the newest design and at the same time justify your trust in my design.
Kind regards,
Sonja -
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boostbijles zegt :
Nice! However, the color blue is a bit vague. Can you show some more designs with bright colors blue. Furthermore I would like to see the design with BOOST in capital letters.I prefer the design with -bijles-
boostbijles zegt :
Could you maybe also show different fonts. Btw my colleague commented last time and said that the color blue was nice. However I still would like to see the design in different colors blue
Blue Nights Design zegt
Thank for the reply I will post with more different blue colors lighter like mat blue. As well I will make different variations with the font.
Sonja -
Blue Nights Design zegt
Thank for the reply I will post with more different blue colors lighter like mat blue. As well I will make different variations with the font.
Sonja -
Blue Nights Design zegt
Thank for the reply I will post with more different blue colors lighter like mat blue. As well I will make different variations with the font.
Sonja -
Blue Nights Design zegt
Sorry this has to do with the site.
Sonja -
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boostbijles zegt :
Hi, I'm liking this color blue, although the book doesn't have two be two colors. So it could just be black. Also I like the one where -bijles- is in the middle. All in all, keep up the good work!
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boostbijles zegt :
vind deze ook erg leuk maar bijles vind ik te groot. Dan vindt ik de bijles mooier bij je vorige design. Klein in het hoekje. Ook ben ik benieuwd hoe het eruitziet als boost allemaal in hoofdletters staat of alleen de B. En graag verschillende kleuren.
Blue Nights Design zegt
I don't know Dutch so I tried to use google translator to get it on English but it didn't do a great job.
Could you translate it for me on English.
I would really appreciate it.
Sonja -
Blue Nights Design zegt
I don't know Dutch so I tried to use google translator to get it on English but it didn't do a great job.
Could you translate it for me on English.
I would really appreciate it.
Sonja -
boostbijles zegt :
I liked the first of the three the best. However "bijles"is too big. The focus has to be more on boost. I prefer the bijles size you had in the design before this one. Also in this design I would like to see the difference if you put BOOST in capital letters or just normal boost. Show me some different color designs so I can choose from those. Thanks in advance and good luck!
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boostbijles zegt :
Vind deze bijles onderschrift mooier dan je laatste design. Vind het design van je laatste wel weer mooier. Het eerste plaatje dan met de rechte ogen.
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boostbijles zegt :
Sorry vind deze minder mooi dan je vorige. dit lettertype vind ik niet mooi. Kan je wat strakkere letters doen? En in een paar verschillende kleuren... Misschien mat kleur ofzo?
boostbijles zegt :
Sorry I did not know you did not understand Dutch. Here are my comments in english. I do really like the design but it is not perfect yet. I do not like this color blue in this design.I would like to see the design with different colors so I can choose the one which I like the most. Furthermore, the font is not my taste. I would like a professional font with a clear design letters. Boost is the brand name and bijles extra information. I would like to see the difference too when you have a design with BOOST in capital letters and just normal Boost. Use a nice font. Hope you understand all this and you can upload a new , better design
Blue Nights Design zegt
Thank you for the fast reply this is much appreciated.
Sonja -
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boostbijles zegt :
Mooi! Zou je hem misschien iets kunnen veranderen met de kleur blauw en de nadruk op Boost. bijles is meer een onderschrift!.
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