Een strak en eigentijds logo voor een biomedisch bedrijf
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: acsbiomarker
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 329.00
- Datum start : 15-08-2017 10:34
- Datum einde : 29-08-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 90
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Wij willen ons graag profileren als een modern biomedisch bedrijf dat doormiddel van nauwkeurige en betrouwbare biomarkerbepalingen de patientenzorg/diagnose verbetert.
Over onze naam: ACS Biomarker. De letters ACS zijn een verwijzing naar een eerdere, niet meer relevante activiteit (Advanced Cardiac Solutions)
Doelgroep: medische professionals
Keywords: medische technologie, nauwkeurig, verbeterde patientenzorg, diagnose
Gebruik: nieuwe website, briefpapier, powerpoint presentaties, flyers, banners
ACS Biomarker is een biomedisch bedrijf dat doormiddel van moderne technologieen diagnostiek en patientenzorg wil verbeteren
Onze doelgroep is medische professionals (artsen, medisch onderzoekers)
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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Toelichting van de designer Marysu:
I have made a several combinations of the colors. Please fell free to write to me what do you like better and what can I do more for you.
acsbiomarker zegt :
Thanks! we're gonna discuss it in our team this afternoon
acsbiomarker zegt :
Hi. we're still struggling with the colors :-) In parallel to the logo design we are working on a new website. The look-and-feel is fresh/white-blue like in this shutterstockphoto:
Could you try to adapt the logo color in a style matching this photo? Maybe go back to blue/white/red, but maybe a bit different from the initial colors you used. Sorry for this inconvenience! This monday we will sit together with our team to decide on the logo. Thanks and enjoy your weekend! -
Marysu zegt
Ok, thank you, I'll try to adapt the colors for you.
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Marysu zegt
Ok, of course :)
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acsbiomarker zegt :
great! We've been discussing internally and some think a different shade of blue and red (no primary color) would still be more suitable. Could you try to adapt again? Could you also give one row of the dots in the white logo on the colored background the color of the alternative background.(darkblue background, lightblue dots). Thanks!!
acsbiomarker zegt :
great! We've been discussing internally and some think a different shade of blue and red (no primary color) would still be more suitable. Could you try to adapt again? Could you also give one row of the dots in the white logo on the colored background the color of the alternative background.(darkblue background, lightblue dots). Thanks!!
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Toelichting van de designer Marysu:
Hello, I'm here for you if you like my work.
Marysu -
acsbiomarker zegt :
We really like this logo, but the color scheme is not really what we're looking for (the primary colors are a bit too hard). We do however like the thinking that you did and the reference to venous and arterial blood. Could you maybe use the colors similar to the ones used by m-digitaldesign (who also joined our competition)? Or maybe you have some other ideas yourself. Looking forward to a revised logo!
Marysu zegt
OK, thank you I'll do my best for you!
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