Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons!

Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons

  • Wedstrijd van: btimmer
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Totaal budget: € 229.00
  • Datum start : 16-11-2016 14:36
  • Datum einde : 08-12-2016 14:34
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 157
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


Wij bieden trainingen op maat aan professionele atleten waardoor zij een stabielere fundering kunnen creëren, een solide basis van waaruit hogere pieken zijn te behalen op mentaal en fysiek vlak.

We doen dit door custom trainingen te geven op het gebied van mentale focus en ademhaling voor verhoogde prestaties
(High Performance Focus and Breathing). Deze technieken hebben hun oorsprong in de yoga, pranayama en meditatie.

Deze oorsprong in yoga, pranayama, en meditatie is niet per se iets wat we willen benadrukken.

We zoeken een logo wat het volgende uitstraalt:
high performance, op maat gemaakt,verbetering, expertise, wetenschappelijk onderbouwd, kennis van zaken, sportiviteit, groei , dynamiek, beweging, stabiliteit.

Het zal een aantrekkingskracht moeten hebben op professionele atleten, coaches, trainers en sponsors.

De naam is - PEAK Fundamentals – (de site is

De ondertekst is - High Performance Focus and Breathing –

We houden van een clean en minimal logo.

We hadden het idee van een driehoek om wat we doen uit te beelden. Bijvoorbeeld de A als een driehoek. Maar we staan open voor andere ideeën.

De kleuren die we mooi vinden zijn fris blauw en fel oranje maar ook hier staan we open voor andere suggesties.

We kijken uit naar jullie ideeën!

Bryan en Paul



Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

  • Logo # 674690 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. artamad zegt

      Like these?

    2. artamad zegt

      different 'E's

    3. btimmer zegt :

      Yes good i will discuss with my partner and come back to you

    4. btimmer zegt :

      Hi good evening, i think we will probably go with the very last design the letters are great now. Spot on. Paul sends his regards :) ok so there is one final thing we would like to see and if it doesn't work we ll go for this top one.

      Can you make a thin blue line on the inside of the triangle, taking some space off the orange and not from the white if you understand what i mean. We just want to see if they're is any improvement there.



    5. btimmer zegt :

      Never mind the last adjustment. We want to go for the clean A, the top one from these two designs, with the squarish E, rounded off at the back. So if we choose your design, what will you deliver to us? What kind of format, files?, for use on website, business card(do you have a template for this?? To send to the printer, with this logo? ) , ecard email etc?


    6. artamad zegt

      I deliver these files :
      - ai file
      - eps file [ for printing ]
      - jpeg
      - png

      I also do stationery designs / business card designs but this project is for a logo design budget alone. Anyway, you will have the print files (eps) so you can print them in. other files are for websites.

      All files will be delivered as colored - monochromed - transparent

    7. artamad zegt

      Any updates? :D

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  • Logo # 675161 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer artamad:

      I hope I get it right this time

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  • Logo # 675056 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer artamad:

      Is this it?

    2. btimmer zegt :

      Well almost, what i meant was only the inside of the triangle, so the blue line stops at the bottom

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  • Logo # 674794 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. artamad zegt

      Is this it?

    2. btimmer zegt :

      Not exactly, i meant the blue line on the inside of the orange, so exactly on the border between orange and white. You have made it in the middle of the orange. I hope im making sense.


    3. btimmer zegt :

      Not exactly, i meant the blue line on the inside of the orange, so exactly on the border between orange and white. You have made it in the middle of the orange. I hope im making sense.


    4. btimmer zegt :

      Not exactly, i meant the blue line on the inside of the orange, so exactly on the border between orange and white. You have made it in the middle of the orange. I hope im making sense.


    5. btimmer zegt :

      Not exactly, i meant the blue line on the inside of the orange, so exactly on the border between orange and white. You have made it in the middle of the orange. I hope im making sense.


    6. artamad zegt

      Im confused at the moment. sorry, could you send me an email regarding the image you want to see? :)

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  • Logo # 674689 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. artamad zegt

      Like these?

    2. artamad zegt

      Let me know if I get the 2 triangle oranges right and a blue inside

    3. btimmer zegt :

      Its probably too busy for the eye, but its what i meant for you to do yes. The original is still best

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  • Logo # 674477 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. btimmer zegt :

      Nice man thanks for your new designs, i like the top one, can you try it with just two clean orange triangles and the blue one in the middle, so without the connections, thanks! Ill discuss with my partner in a few minutes

    2. btimmer zegt :

      Ok in addition. I have talked to my partner. We want to try sometging else as well.

      - can you close the P
      - can you use a lettertype which is less square, have a look at Yozana last design, its more rounded,it can be more square and straighter than that one, but just a little more rounded. still fluent. and can be just slightly slimmer, not too fat letters. can you try a couple, just to see mainly the E a more rounded version. Just use the basic open A for this one.

      thanks A LOT!

    3. artamad zegt

      Should I delete the others?

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  • Logo # 674337 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer artamad:

      1 - 2 or 3?

    2. artamad zegt

      Any thoughts on these? :)

    3. btimmer zegt :

      I like the second one best.its good. But for the alternative,try to forget this A maybe. Its ok but im really looking for something new. Have a look at what 1K did. That is interesting because it has an upward arrow which can be used in the pitch to describe what our training will do. Im not saying to exactly copy his one but see what you can come up with. Maybe use elements.

      For example a blue triangle in the middle with an orrange arrow making a bigger one around it. But im not a designer, dont know if that works.

      We would like an A to be proud of, which is beautiful on its own just to look at. because it will be the symbol of our business.

      And dont worry we are not talking to other designers any more. So really give it your best please :)

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  • Logo # 673569 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. artamad zegt

      Is this it?

    2. artamad zegt

      Any updates? :D

    3. btimmer zegt :

      Hi Artamand. Look you are our favourite. We will go with your design but, We only have one more thing. The A. Let me explain, we give training to athletes so they can have a higher peak. Normal training would give a small peak (small effect) (small blue triangle, for example) and our training will give a better fundament and a higher peak. (big orange triangle)
      We want to use this A example in our pitch, so it would be great if these two elements are in the A, to explain.

      So we would like you to try and make a new alternative A, one that if you look st it its a nice logo on its own.

      It would be nice if you can combine the two colours to give the impression i described above.

      We have two more days, try to make it work, we have faith in you :)

      Ps this all aplies on your last design, slanted peak, without red line

    4. artamad zegt

      Alright thank you, will do. will send it today for any more changes in the upcoming days. THANKS!

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  • Logo # 671629 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer artamad:

      alternative A

    2. artamad zegt


    3. artamad zegt

      Any changes you need?

    4. btimmer zegt :

      Great thanks! Can you make one modification on the one before the last one. Can you make it with a normal E like you did in the beginnen, when its slanted it doesn't look like a block. And can you take the point off the P to see how that looks? The rest is good.

    5. artamad zegt

      Please check recent design. Any changes?

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  • Logo # 671388 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. artamad zegt

      Adjusted the 'E' anymore changes?

    2. btimmer zegt :

      Thanks. I will discuss with my partner, I think yours is the best so far

    3. artamad zegt

      Alrighty, will wait for further instructions to be able to send more revisions

    4. artamad zegt

      Any updates before the project ends?

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  • Logo # 671363 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer artamad:

      No slant.

    2. btimmer zegt :

      Great thanks, i will discuss with my partner. Can you bring the subtekst out even more? Thicker line and thicker letters so they really stand out?

    3. artamad zegt

      On this design? Cause we are only allowed to send 15 designs. I might fill them if I do all the revisions and not have enough more to make you satisfy. Should I revise this one with different letters?

    4. btimmer zegt :

      Yes on this one, they're is no other way to send me designs right everything goes through the website

    5. btimmer zegt :

      Also could you do something with the E, to make it look less a block, just a tiny change, to see if it works, like a corner off the bottom

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  • Logo # 671362 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. artamad zegt

      All letters slanted to define movement

    2. btimmer zegt :

      Ok can you do a modification on this one, How many do you have left? We would like to see , Onlyh PEAK slanted, than fundamentals and the subtext normal. can you make fundamentals a little bigger, as well as the blue stripe with the subtext a little bigger, and the letters of the subtext thicker so the text stands out better in white. Also the colour. Can you make the orange, a bit darker, slightly more red and fluerescent? and the blue just very slightly darker blue? thanks so much! I think were getting close now.

    3. btimmer zegt :

      and the A pointy and not rounded please

    4. artamad zegt

      Could you please unrate to 0 the dont like so I can delete them pls, thank you. If not, i think I can send in 4 more

    5. btimmer zegt :

      ok sure i will delete some

    6. artamad zegt

      Btw, i can only delete the ones with 0 ratings and no comments by you. Thanks, will send the revisions later on. Have a nice day!

    7. btimmer zegt :

      Thanks! you have a nice day too!

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  • Logo # 670614 voor Help ons door een logo te ontwerpen dat professionele atleten de juiste indruk geeft over ons! wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. artamad zegt

      Any updates?

    2. artamad zegt

      Do you need any changes?

    3. btimmer zegt :

      Hi! Thanks for your designs, we like this one, can you do some modifications?
      For the colours can you look at aditasingh, she is close on that.
      Can you let the E be without the space,
      Maybe you have another suggestion, to give the tekst some movement, just subtle, don’t go overboard. Maybe just by edging of the letters somehow like you did with the front upperside of the E, just to see if there is some improvement possible here.
      Could you remove the wave in the background
      Could you make the stripe below , thicker, and blue, maybe a darker blauw than the tekst above, so the white letters in the subtext will “jump” out. The letters of the subtekst can be a few notches bigger.
      Thanks looking forward to the update!

    4. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

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