Logo Fit & Food
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: oostende@bodyshaping.be
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 11-11-2016 08:33
- Datum einde : 01-12-2016 10:10
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 79
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Onder het logo Fit & Food moet er ook nog een bijtekst komen met 2 variabelen (1. afslank- & gezondheidscentrum; 2. Workshops gezonde voeding en beweging of iets dergelijks)
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
I like the 2nd one (first row, 2nd picture). But like the blue one the logo is not in the center if you compare it with the text. Can you fix this please?
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
And ik will also need it in black and white or grey
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Toelichting van de designer update:
like this ?
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
I would like it like the blue one but in lime. Not two different colors.
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
Can you try some shades of lime please so i can choose one
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oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
I want this one in lime (green-yellow) please
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oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
This one is perfect
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
Just one remark: The logo is not in the center if you compare it with the text
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update zegt
Sorry, i can't change the color because I've not the logo with me. If you choose me, I could change it in private.the contest is finished in ten mn…
regards -
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
can you please change the colors like I asked in my message the day before yesterday and make the third icon the same as the other two (I'm sorry I don't know how exactly I can explain but if you look at the logo in big format you can see it's not the same, the first two are more "blurry" than the thirth one -
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
can you please change the colors like I asked in my message the day before yesterday and make the third icon the same as the other two (I'm sorry I don't know how exactly I can explain but if you look at the logo in big format you can see it's not the same, the first two are more "blurry" than the thirth one -
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
can you please change the colors like I asked in my message the day before yesterday and make the third icon the same as the other two (I'm sorry I don't know how exactly I can explain but if you look at the logo in big format you can see it's not the same, the first two are more "blurry" than the thirth one -
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oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
Deze vind ik heel goed, maar waarom het klokje?
update zegt
Hi. Thanks for your feed-back. It is for the notion of challenge, it is a chrono. Do you want something Else ?
oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
Can you take a look at the logo Xaanouck made please? The second one (I rated it with 3 stars). This logo also has 3 icons in it. I like your apple and the heart but maybe you can make something simular as the first icon on that logo? (it's a strong person).
Also I would like to have the logo in petrol for my Slimming studio (text: Afslank- en gezondheidscentrum) and in lime for de workshops. Thx! -
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oostende@bodyshaping.be zegt :
Mooi lettertype maar de 3 buitenste lijnen doen me een beetje denken aan muziekboxen of zo iets
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Toelichting van de designer update:
Hi, here my proposition, don't hesitate to give me your feeling,
best regards -
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