Logo for a new digital content marketing agency
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: Willem Breytenbach
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 329.00
- Datum start : 08-03-2014 12:43
- Datum einde : 22-03-2014 12:41
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 136
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Develop a new modern logo for a new digital content marketing agency with core base in Cape Town, South Africa. The name is "Lumico" and the domain www.lumico.co.za. We prefer a simple modern design. We will deliver content and marketing solutions for clients on digital platforms, with a lot of focus on mobile.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
creative ideas
creative ideas zegt
Dear Willem, Here is my proposal for your logo. Best Regards. Creative Ideas
Willem Breytenbach zegt :
We are really impressed with your design. Would like to know how you would see a logo at the bottom in a powerpoint template and as app icon on a mobile.
Willem Breytenbach zegt :
Super impressed!
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creative ideas zegt
Hello Willem, Hope this proposal finds you well. Best Regards. Creative Ideas
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