Logo for an international oriented food-webshop/platform (NL)
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: InterTaste
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 150.00
- Datum start : 07-10-2016 12:47
- Datum einde : 21-10-2016 12:46
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 59
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Het logo graag licht zakelijk, maar met een jonge uitstraling. Het moet consumenten over de hele wereld aanspreken om member te worden. Als bedrijfstoelichting wordt ''International Brands Supply'' gehanteerd. Dit mag worden toegevoegd aan het logo, maar is niet verplicht. Een link naar de licht blauwe huiskleur van de huidige onderneming zou leuk zijn, maar ook zeker niet verplicht. Zie: http://www.pijpersvanzomeren.com/.
For the to be set up (international) webshops InterTasteClub.com/nl/be/de we are looking for a sleek logo, emphasizing the company ''Intertaste''. The addition Club refers to the online (consumer) branch of the company. On these websites food products from all over the world will be traded, but initially mainly (American) versions of major brands that we do not know in Western Europe; certain flavors of M&M's, Oreo, Fanta etc.
We would like the logo to be a bit business-like, but with a youthful appearance. It should appeal to consumers around the world to become a member. As a company, one-line explanation 'International Brands Supply' is used. This can be added to the logo, but not required. A link to the light blue color we use for the current business would be nice, but certainly not required. See: http://www.pijpersvanzomeren.com/.
Consumenten wereldwijd, die producten uit een ander land / hun thuisland willen kopen.
Consumers worldwide that want to buy famous products from another country / their homeland.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Een link naar de licht blauwe huiskleur van de huidige onderneming zou leuk zijn, maar ook zeker niet verplicht. Zie: http://www.pijpersvanzomeren.com/.
A link to the light blue color we use for the current business would be nice, but certainly not required. See: http://www.pijpersvanzomeren.com/.
InterTaste zegt :
Nice, I like the stars instead of the fork and the black one in the middle. Will it be nice to have the globe in black on the place of the black star, or will it be to distractive?
Kreat zegt
I will did that ;)
Kreat zegt
I think that will not be distractive, I will prepare that with different icon with the globe
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Toelichting van de designer Kreat:
And maybe the logo with stronger letters too
InterTaste zegt :
please contact: info at pijpersvanzomeren.com
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Toelichting van de designer Kreat:
I realised and another with bigger globe for logo and stronger letters for icons
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Toelichting van de designer Kreat:
If you need modification, I can work for this last day and a little bit after if you want.
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Toelichting van de designer Kreat:
I changed the fork to three stars. So, I can realize icon based on that
InterTaste zegt :
I think the these icons are a little to full.
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Toelichting van de designer Kreat:
Here are two types of logo to help me. Are you prefer the first one or the second ? -
Kreat zegt
please don't give a mark if this is not good because I can just draw 5 more designs now
InterTaste zegt :
I prefer the first one, it looks a bit more professional
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Toelichting van de designer Kreat:
Maybe you can use one fort your webshops and the other for avatar -
InterTaste zegt :
What I actually ment was some kind of compact, highly recognizable design. Just like an 'app-icon' (The F in blue from Facebook, the bird from Twitter, the rings of the Olympics). Can you make something like that, to strongen the upper logo you already made. And once again, I think the fork in combination with the word 'Club' can possibly be mistaken for a restaurant or something.
Kreat zegt
Alright, I see what you wish. I will try to find something and replace the fork by an other thing -
Kreat zegt
Are you ok if the name of InterTaste appear on the flat icon or you want just an icon without text ?
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InterTaste zegt :
Hi, ofcourse, I will speak English from now on.
Very tight, it speaks to me in a certain way. Adding the worldmap behind is neat! I also like the fork, but I think that in combination with the word 'Club' it can possibly be mistaken for a restaurant or something. Can you give it a bit more identity, make it more characteristic/recognizable and how would an avatar/user image look like?
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InterTaste zegt :
Erg strak, het spreekt mij op een bepaalde manier aan. Behoeft zeker nog wat identiteit, maar oogt schoon en duidelijk. Hoe zou een avatar/gebruikersafbeelding er uit zien?
Kreat zegt
Hello, fan I have a translation in English please ?
Thank you ! -
Kreat zegt
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InterTaste zegt :
Netjes, maar niet speciaal. Een beetje standaard.
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InterTaste zegt :
Lettertype te 'speels', doet mij tevens denken aan een bepaald PC merk. IBM (?)
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