Logo voor Coaching praktijk
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
een onopgeloste puzzel/puzzelstukjes + ? = !
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer maxyrelax:
This logo is designed with a clear image of moving from uncertainty to clarity and purpose.
The proces is visualised by the floating puzzlepeace almost leaning on the questionmark. After that the puzzle peace finds a connection and changes into a positive new energy and vivid color. The exclamationmark makes it all more obvious.
The power and value of the company to connect to clients and support them in an adequate way is shown by the name being a puzzle peace in itself. The bright and complimantary colors represent a young and flexible energy to invest in clients with joy.
With pleasure,
Joris -
maxyrelax zegt
Design alterations in color and fonts/lettertype are adjustable to personal wishes.
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