Logo voor Evolution36
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Evolution36
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 24-10-2017 14:30
- Datum einde : 31-10-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: ai
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 83
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Wij zijn Evolution36, een bedrijf wat Web and Software Solutions maakt. Wij maken software op maat, denk hierbij aan webapplicaties en mobiele applicaties.
Bij het ontwikkelen van software denken we graag zoveel mogelijk met de klant mee. Op deze manier leren wij de branch beter kennen en komen we er achter wat de klant exact wil hebben.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
We zouden graag een herkenbaar soort icoon in het logo verwerkt zien. Zoals bij LG, picasa (toen het nog bestond), Apple, Nike en Beats (dit zijn een aantal voorbeelden). Daarnaast hoeft er niet per se een ondertitel in het logo verwerkt te zijn.
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Evolution36 zegt :
The font for the smaller text has a bit of an odd i, it almost looks like an l. We like the lowercase though. We tried some colours ourselves again, could you maybe try the upper right with a blue E on a light and dark background? Thanks again for the adjustments, it looks awesome.
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Evolution36 zegt :
Yeah, these look great! The following colours are our favourites (letter colour, number colour, background colour):
Green, red, dark-gray
Gray, red, light-gray
Light-gray, orange, blue
Black, white, red
Could you maybe try a different font for the small text underneath the icon? Thanks again! -
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Evolution36 zegt :
Thanks again, we really like this! We still would like to see some more colours. For example, we tried colour picking ourselves a bit and we thought maybe #d90036/rgb(217,0,54) would be nice. We would also like to see how this logo works on a light background and possibly other applications. This is definitely our current favorite.
Evolution36 -
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Evolution36 zegt :
Thanks for this new idea. We have the idea the 3 and 6 are too different. The six is a big belly and the 3 seems a bit slim. Also, the logo-idea leaves a bit of a childish impression to us. We like the recognizability and use of different colours though!
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Evolution36 zegt :
Thanks, this looks pretty cool! So far this might well be our favourite. The E and 3 look a bit like a robot-head, which is actually kinda cool. Don't stress this too much though, because we're no robotics of course :P. Maybe a bit more spacing between the letters helps with readability. The colour distinction between E and 36 helps wit readability, so maybe stress that some more (the orange/gray example is good). We also would like some more colour variations and maybe some bright colours. Thanks again!
Evolution36 -
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Evolution36 zegt :
Thank you for your logo. We think the 6 could look some more like a 6, currently it could be a G as well. Also we would like to see the logo with some more flashy colors.
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