Logo voor Vmarkt vegan webwinkel
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: NataschaVmarkt
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 02-01-2017 18:52
- Datum einde : 16-01-2017 18:48
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 123
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Het logo moet fris en strak zijn in de kleuren groen en paars. De bedrijfsnaam: Vmarkt , dient hoofdonderdeel van het logo te zijn. In het logo zit een beeldmerk (icoon) wat ook los herkenaar is. (zoals de swoosh van Nike) Dit kan bijvoorbeeld de V (van Vmarkt) zijn in de vorm van een plant. Maar ook andere ideeen zijn welkom.
Naast de geldprijs worden jouw naam en contactgegevens ook een jaar lang prominent vermeld op de website waardoor je meer opdrachten binnen kunt halen.
EXTRA INFO: Het logo graag niet in caps, maar in kleine letters. blokletters. Het liefst in een font dat een soort a heeft als Berlin sans, comic sans. Maar dan allicht een nieuwe versie
Graag tinten van paars en groen die afwijken van EkoPlaza.
Kan je een icoon verwerken in het logo dat doet denken aan een supermarkt, of waar "iets plantaardigs" in zit dan heeft dit zeer zeker de voorkeur. De naam in een icoon dat doet denken aan een supermarkt of iets plantaardigs kan natuurlijk ook.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Bolder baseline,
colour modified,
and FB elements updated.
Hope that you like it. -
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
Thank you verry much.It looks way better now.It looks verry good. Also the name is more 1 now. Love this grayish purple alos
M3kdesign zegt
Thank you Natscha!
I saved a template for your fb cover, so you can change the text as you want. If you have some promotions, you can modifies that. -
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NataschaVmarkt zegt :
Thanks again for your design,
I like the design.
I do like it as a logo.
The only thing I struggeling with is the readibility. Especially when I use this as a profilepicture for facebook.
Do you have any solutians for that? -
M3kdesign zegt
I have idea to use combination of cover and profile picture on FB.
I will send you a preview.
Also, I think it is not nessesary to including so much logo elements, I think the carrot V is the best!
It is tottaly vegan and and stylish.
But, If you want something like this and vorry about readibility, I can make the baseline text more bold and inverse a colours.
Regards and thanks for feedback.
m3kdesign -
M3kdesign zegt
Maybe just V with carrot and leaf on 'k'. I dont know becouse you love V like this, even you told me that you dont like a curved or handwriting style.
What you think? -
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
"V" is now more sophisticated.
Hope is better.
Regards! -
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
New inspiration for you.
The happy "V" is holding a vegan shopping basket.
Hope you like it.
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
This is awesoe, but the biggest competitor has got a basket. It would seem too much like copying. But the design is truly great.
M3kdesign zegt
Sorry I dont seen nothing like Happy "V" with vegan carrot basket on the edge with shadow in this competition and dont see nowhere.
But I understand if you like it more another design and if it looks like mine.
This basket have carrots and leef with is represent something healthy natural and with letter "V" tougether symbolise one happy way to live like vegan.
Sorry again, but I dont see in no one design here something like that message.
Best regards,
m3kdesign. -
M3kdesign zegt
Are you think that shopping basket on logo have someone of designers here or another shooping market? I am trying to understand.
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
My competitor had got a basket in his design https://www.facebook.com/vegansuper.nl/?fref=ts
M3kdesign zegt
Oh, I see now. Sorry I dont understood well.
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Hope that now is better.
Regards again!
m3kdesign -
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
It looks awesome!
M3kdesign zegt
Thank you so much. I have one more suggestion. What do you think - Can we put the letter "V" like a begin of the shoppingcart and create something more sophisticated? What you think about that?
M3kdesign zegt
I will upload what I think about. :)
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
Sounds good. :)
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
Hi M3kdesign,
This was your est design!
There have been three designs with really strong points. There for I have decided that the best logo would be a comination of the three.
The points are:
- Your shoppingcart
- The V and letters markt of Axel
- The leaf in the K from Joosttilburg
The designer best able to put the three parts together wins the price and will be mentioned on the website.
There are a few extra points
- Please replace vegan webshop with vegan food
- Do only use the colors white, green and purple
- Make sure the leaf in the letter k resembles the leafy part of the letter V
I hope you have enough time. It is close to the deadline,
Goodluck, Natascha -
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NataschaVmarkt zegt :
:) The Shoppingcart is a nice twist. It would be even better if the carrot is complete again with the top on it (instead of above the A) and if it still fits in the cart.
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Dear Natascha,
This is a simple logo that shows a lot (if you look good, but customers are those who love the simple but memorable designs).
Logo includes:
- Purple letter V (which can be used separately as icons)
- The letter V You can see the carrot instead of leaves and a crown (crown symbolizes the quality and prestige)
- In the bottom of the letter V, which will see a circle:
1) with carrot represent a symbol "!" which means attention, attracts attention, and
2) the whole shape represent a prise bar/label in supermarket, the place where is the price for the shoping. Every article have that "thing" and it reminds me supermarkets.
You can see also the sharp letter type coincidented with illustration of letter "V".
Hope that you like this simple design.
Best regards,
m3kdesign -
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Gradient version with no apple inside the letter "a".
Hope is better.
m3kdesign -
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
It is good design. I like the round letters that you use (so no handwritten or curvy letters.
The idea to put something in the letter a was also a good one. Maybe you can use the top of the carrot in the a?
Or maybe somewhere an icon that reminds one of a supermarket. Unfortunately the competitor already uses a shoppingbasket, but something like that (not a cashmachine or something that stands for money) Something that remind you of shopping -
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Some changes/adds for you.
Hope now is better.
m3kdesign -
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Dear Natascha,
here is my first vision about your webshop.
In this logo you can see a simple letter V with a carrot inside.
Hope that you like it.
If I get more ideas, i will upload them.
Marko. -
NataschaVmarkt zegt :
Hello Marko ,
Good design. Thecarrot is verry original. The placement of the word markt in the middle of the height is verry nice. I do however think that the created shape of the V differs too much with the font of markt. Is there any way this can e altered? -
M3kdesign zegt
Ofcourse! I will do some changes? One question: Do you like more curved lettertype style or like as this logo /less curved?
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