Ontwerp een fris en dynamisch logo voor "The New Now"
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket goud
- Wedstrijd van: The New Now
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 479.00
- Datum start : 24-06-2017 08:51
- Datum einde : 01-07-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 99
Respons opdrachtgever:
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The New Now kun je zien als een kruising tussen McKinsey en een startup-accelerator. The New Now adviseert en helpt bedrijven in de realisatie van nieuwe innovaties en nieuwe business/verdien-modellen om ook in de toekomst succesvol te zijn.
De doelgroep zijn "grotere" bedrijven / corporates die moeten innoveren. Het zijn bedrijven in verschillende sectoren. Hierbij staat centraal dat (nieuwe) technologie direct impact heeft op het bedrijf waarbij dit nieuwe kansen biedt om het bedrijf echt te transformeren naar de nieuwe tijd.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
"New" moet de toekomst uitstralen, samenleving, technologie
"Now" staat voor resultaat, creatie
The New Now moet ook "authentiek", "menselijk", "professioneel" en "betrouwbaar", niet "hard zakelijk" of "sportief".
Meer een voorkeur voor natuurlijke kleuren, echter moet wel impact maken in z'n communicatie
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hello Jan,
Here is the updated colours for your design as per your suggestion.
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Glass / Wall Signage and Print Presentation for your logo design for your visualization.
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
3D presentation of your logo,
Like when used for signage on wall or Advertising board etc. -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hi Jan,
Sorry for the delay.
Was trying out different color variations.
Have presented the options in green shades.
Design 1, 3 and 4 are gradient colours (mixture of shades of green)
Design 2 is solid single colour green. -
The New Now zegt :
Hi Rusti,
I think I made my decision to go for your design :-)) I have a color scheme of green and gray I would like to use. How can I send that to you, to make the design final?
Another question I have: if I want business cards, can you do that as well?
And the 3 dimensional design can I use that as well or do I need special software?
Jan -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hi Jan,
Have provided you with my personal email, please check your email. Also have answered your questions.
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Print Presentation
The New Now zegt :
Hi Rusty,
Can I ask can you send me a single one of the logo so I can print it on A4? I want to hang it on the wall for the evening.
Jan -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Which one should I present.
I mean which colour do you want for your logo for now -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Let me know which logo should I present to you. Which colour
The New Now zegt :
I think the bottom right one is most intense, fresh and is still a classic color. If you have another suggestion I am open for it. I also have a preference for intense "darker" green.
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hi Jan,
Good Morning!
Here is the design with the updated lettering "innovate"
Have added few more colour variations for your visualization.
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Glass / Wall Signage presentation of your design
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Print Presentation of your design on cardsheet paper
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here is my design for your logo.
Created a simple, clean and professional design for your business.
Created an icon representing the letter "N" along with check mark showing that it is the right choice. The flow in the icons is upwards, representing growth.
Have used colours that work well on white as well as dark/black color backgrounds.
Awaiting your response,
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
The New Now zegt :
Hi Rusty, I like this design very much! In the coming days I want to make a decision out of the best 3, yours is for sure one of the 3. Would you have any idea how to add the wordt "Innovate" as a sort of payoff. And in terms of colors I can change the colors as you worked with later on easily on the logo? Is that something you can explain to me when I made my final choice? Thanks sofar already. Jan
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Good Morning Jan!
I will update the design with word innovate as payoff.
Sure! The colour changing process is very simple and you can easily edit the colours as per your requirement.
Thanks! -
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