Ontwerp een logo die het verschil maakt voor een nieuw detacheringbureau .
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Uitstraling van het logo? Kracht, stoer, origineel, zakelijk.
Wat vinden we mooi qua kleuren? Bijvoorbeeld grijs in combinatie met één of meerdere andere kleuren (roze/paars/blauw). Niet gebruiken; geel/rood/bruin.
Maar eigenlijk worden we graag verrast door de creativiteit van jou als ontwerpen en willen we niet al teveel kaders meegeven.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Wilko zegt
I am glad you like my design. Here is the fushia and blue colors. -
Ferschil zegt :
Hi Wilco, Great! I like this one even better. For now, this one is my favorite :-) Is it possible to show me how this logo looks like when the two F's are fully coloured?
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Toelichting van de designer Wilko:
Here it is !
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Ferschil zegt :
Thank you very much!
Ferschil zegt :
Thank you very much!
Ferschil zegt :
aaah, I just realize that you left the shadow out of the logo. Is it possible to put it back?;-)
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Toelichting van de designer Wilko:
Ok perfect :)
here is a variation with a relief effect. I tried a metallic silver for the name. -
Ferschil zegt :
Thanx Wilco. I think I like the other gray in the name better. If you could adjust that it's perfect :-)
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Ferschil zegt :
Very nice Wilko! Can you please show me how it looks like in a normal position?
Wilko zegt
Sorry but I don't understand, what do you mean by "normal position"?
Ferschil zegt :
Not on the building, but like a normal logo
Ferschil zegt :
Hello Wilko, can you please show me this logo in a normal way ( nog on the building)? I have the feeling it's slightly different than the logo you send me before. Especially the brightness of the fuchsia and blue, but also the gray color in the name
Ferschil zegt :
Nog on the building = not on the building
Wilko zegt
It is exactly the same logo but the 3D effect and the light make this feeling. It was just to show you the potential of the logo as a neon sign. -
Ferschil zegt :
Hello Wilco, Thanx for the newe logo's. I really appreciate your effort. But I like this logo very much and would rather see some variations (with very small adjustments) of this logo. For example the 3D version with neon. Or a change of brightness of the colors........or a metallic silver color in the name. Things like that. There's a big chance I'm gonna pick this logo (or an other version of it) as the winner :-)
Ferschil zegt :
Hello Wilco, Thanx for the newe logo's. I really appreciate your effort. But I like this logo very much and would rather see some variations (with very small adjustments) of this logo. For example the 3D version with neon. Or a change of brightness of the colors........or a metallic silver color in the name. Things like that. There's a big chance I'm gonna pick this logo (or an other version of it) as the winner :-)
Ferschil zegt :
btw, you can leave the 'detacheringsbureau' out of the logo
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Toelichting van de designer Wilko:
Another idea
Ferschil zegt :
Thanx Wilco. I like it.........
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Ferschil zegt :
Mooi logo. Ik ben wel benieuwd naar varianten. Bijvoorbeeld roze/fuchsia/blauw en een donkerdere tint grijs in de naam.
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