Ontwerp een nieuwe huisstijl waarbij je zin krijgt in paling & zalm
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket goud
- Wedstrijd van: info@schildervis.nl
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 479.00
- Datum start : 20-07-2016 17:34
- Datum einde : 31-07-2016 17:33
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,,
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 112
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Onze bedrijfsnaam is Vishandel Theo Schilder & Zn BV
Daarbij moet PALINGenZALM vermeld worden (zie oude logo)
Vishandel Theo Schilder & Zn BV
Groothandel in gerookte paling en zalm
Healthy food lovers
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Ossenbloed rood met zwarte accenten
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here is your Design Separately for your visualisation.
Rusty_Saffir zegt
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here is ur simple and matching monogram to the font style of the Logo. Just a substitute/option to use where you cannot use your logo, you can just place this symbol. If you like you can use it, shall upload it separately with logo.
With this my total number of submission are 14 and only 15 uploads are allowed for any contest. So I can upload only one more design in case you need any changes.
Kind Creative Regards,
Rusty -
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
I need to get used to. but it looks cool;
Rusty_Saffir zegt
I am glad you liked it.
Thankyou! -
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info@schildervis.nl zegt :
The pointed lines is better
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Very Well, Shall keep them sharp and pointed giving the feel of speed, motion, progress!
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hello Jacco,
I am working on a Monogram for you company which you can use if you like, I shall present it to you along with the Logo. Shall upload it here for you to see.
It is in circular shape made of fish like shape designs from the logo, I wanted to ask which alphabet should I put in the middle should it be "V" or should it be "S" or any other initials you have in your mind please tell me so I can put it in your monogram design and and upload it to show you.
Awaiting your response.
Kind Creative Regards,
Rusty -
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
Hey Rusty. I really don't no what to expect what you mean whit a monogram?
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Monogram means like M in the circle for mercedes Benz
or like "t" for tesla -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Imagine the fish symbols moving in round direction in a circle, so is their any letter that you want to be placed in middle of that cicrle ... like V for Vishandel or S for Schilder or any other combination letter of your company name or intials
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
Aha, then i'll prefer the letters T S
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Alright than,
Shall upload the design for you. -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Please let me know which is preferred.
Have presented with 3 options their
Original - Thin - and Thinner
Do let me know which one you want than shall present it separately so you can view it clearly.
Kind Creative Regards,
Rusty -
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
Nr 2 (Thin) i like the most
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Very Well!
Shall upload the number 2 (Thin) in bigger size so you can view it properly -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here is the updated Design.
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Do Let me know,
If anything else needs to be done.
Thankyou! -
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
I love it. Untill now it is my favorite design!!! (But we have 3 more days for other submissions) Thanks so far
Rusty_Saffir zegt
:-) Thankyou!
Yes, lets wait, but this fish is not going to break :-)!
Just Kidding! I'm glad you liked it!
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
Hello Rusty, can you make the red line a little more thinner? My wife find it look like a flower when you turn it..... Kind regards Jacco
Rusty_Saffir zegt
:-) ya true! I just observed it.
Shall make it thinner and upload the design -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here is the mockup presentation of the design as to how they shall appear when printed on paper and when used on a billboard/signage. -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here have presented with two new design concepts.
Let me know your views about the design.
Kind Creative Regards,
Rusty -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
Can you make the fish (the two lines) aboveTheo Schilder a little longer? Let's say that it fits above Theo Schilder
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Sorry for late reply,
Shall upload the design in a moment -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here is the updated Design for your visualisation.
Rusty -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Please let me know if you need any changes or would like to see the logo on any platform like Signage, Billboard etc. -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Print Mockup Presentation of the updated Design.
Please click on the Image to view in details of the design in Good Quality.
Thankyou! -
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
Can you do the third one also with the stripes=
Rusty_Saffir zegt
yes sure,
Shall update it in a moment,
But it is just to balance the empty space of the logo.
Shall present it to you in a moment. -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Please have a look at the updated design.
Have presented with 3 options as I was not sure whether the breaking of the name was OK with you.
Please have a look and let me know your views.
Kind Creative Regards,
Rusty -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Please click on the Image to view in details of the design.
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Please click on the Image to view in details of the design.
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Please click on the Image to view in details of the design.
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hallo ,
Heb gepresenteerd mijn ontwerp-voorstellen met de presentatie over hoe ze op briefpapier , businesscards , envelop en website wordt vermeld.
Laat het me weten wat uw mening over het ontwerp . Als u nog veranderingen na het bekijken van het ontwerp of als u zeker kleurcombinaties nodig hebt, laat het me weten .
In afwachting van je reactie,
Kind Creatieve groet,
Roestig -
info@schildervis.nl zegt :
Can you put our companny name above PALING en ZALM en make it a little bigger than PALING en ZALM
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Yes Sir, Sure can do that.
Shall present you with the updated design. -
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