Ontwerp logo voor bandenservicebedrijf
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Voor een idee van de kleuren kan u reeds een kijkje nemen op onze 'work-in-progress's website www.n-ts.be.
Naam bedrijf: N-Tyre Solutions
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Pierre Appell
Toelichting van de designer Pierre Appell:
It is another version of the previous logo. Simpler, more sober, more effective. There is just a wheel less.
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Toelichting van de designer Pierre Appell:
Here is a last idea. The framed "N" evokes the periodic table. The circle at the end of the typo evokes a wheel, there is an effect of speed towards the right, forwards.
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Toelichting van de designer Pierre Appell:
Here is an idea of logo. The "N" forms a road with the band in the middle. The color is the one of your site, it evokes the ecology. The design flat is modern and sober, as your project which is modern too.
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Toelichting van de designer Pierre Appell:
Here is another idea of logo. We can see that the symbol consists of several "N". They form a tire, and can evoke the containers of nitrogen
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