Ontwerp voor eigen Design tafels, maar dan anders.....
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
Als ik aan het TafelAtelier denk dan komen de volgende steekwoorden naar boven;
creatief, sociaal, uniek, persoonlijk, exclusief, circulair.
Voorbeeldmerk IXXI
(alle rechten mbt dit concept en het TafelAtelier vallen onder Jax Company)
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
jhaaxman zegt :
Dear Dagmar,
First of all i want to let you know that your designs are my favorite and i appreciate all the adjustments. Your last design is my number 1 for now. But i want to ask you if it's possible to make a last small adjustment to the previous logo with -est 2017- and replace it with the word refurbished. That will be my last request and then it's time (thursday) to choose between your logo's!
Best regards, jacqueline -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Dear Jaqueline,
thank you for your kind feedback ;) Attached you find the adjustment you requested. Just let me know, if there's anything else that you would like to see, and I'll set it up for you.
Kind regards, Dagmar -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Good morning jhaaxman,
thank you for your message. Attached you find two revisions, one without subline and one, where I added the arrows to symbolize the "circulair werken". Hope you like it,
kind regards, Dagmar -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Example for an according housestyle,
kind regards, Dagmar -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Good morning,
thank you again for your feedback. Attached some color variations of the last proposal of mine with the changed subline "est. 2017". Looking forward to your reply,
kind regards, Dagmar -
jhaaxman zegt :
The different colors look great! And i'm sorry that my previous comment was not specific enough about the -est.2017-. I wanted to ask you to remove it and if you had another idea to replace the -est.2017-? It doesn't have to be a tagline. Thanks in advance and i really appreciate your work and effort!
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hello jhaaxman,
thank you for your positive rating and kind feedback. Attached two variations with the requested changes. The color in the second one can be replaced if you should have a special color you would like to use. Looking forward to your reply,
kind regards, Dagmar | VirtualLies -
jhaaxman zegt :
Hello Dagmar,
Thanks for your new designs and comments. I like the second design the most, because of the possibilities with adding different colors for different purposes of the logo. My only comment would be the -est.2017- Do you have another suggestion for that?
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jhaaxman zegt :
Bedank voor je mooie ontwerpen! Spreekt me heel erg aan, is het ook mogelijk om een voorbeeld te zien zonder de H en 'het'?
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