Wedstrijd gegevens:
Wij zien graag de volgende combinaties:
- Naam + logo apart
- Enkel bedrijfsnaam OpenCore (evt toffe slogan m.b.t. software ontwikkeling/ Software Testing daaronder)
- Enkel logo met de naam daarin verwerkt
Kleuren staan niet vast, maar graag zien wij in ieder geval de volgende combinaties:
- Wit / Blauw - Grijs / Blauw
- Oker geel / Grijs (grijs tint die er goed bij past)
- Groen (lime achtig) / grijs (idem)
- Rood / Grijs of Zwart
Tevens laten we ons verrassen met evt andere kleurcombinaties!
OpenCore is een jong ICT bedrijf dat zich richt op software ontwikkeling en testing
Zie beschrijving bij: Behoefte
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Zie beschrijving bij: Behoefte
opencore zegt :
Cool. Pixels of top logo seems not high quality. I don't whats the reason for that
krisi zegt
Don't worry about it. You will receive it in much better quality.
This is because I still keep the font and don't make it a image.
Krisi -
sandeepstudio zegt logo&ved=0ahUKEwi2kd77nejVAhUBLI8KHb9tCmQQMwjEASgdMB0&iact=mrc&uact=8
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opencore zegt :
Left ones.. wow. very cool.
maybe own slogan instead of "software development and testing"
but we have to think about that first. It has to be final on 22th.
I'll message you a few slogans when we have some. Is that oke?
Regards, Danny
krisi zegt
It's not a problem :)
Krisi -
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opencore zegt :
thanks for the color change. we have enough colors to choose from.
Also the O symbool is looking better on the right side.
I'm curious what it will look like, if the whole company name OpenCore is *not* bold, but thin letters.. and how it will look like if you play with that to leave Open bold and Core thin. It feels something is missing in the name :) -
opencore zegt :
Hi krisi:
We decided to take the lime green as color. Can you re-create the last one with lime green and with the slogan: "Where innovation and quality meets"
Slogan is still not 100%, but it's in the right direction :-) -
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krisi zegt
here logo with lime green.
Let me know if I can be more helpful.
Krisi -
opencore zegt :
Hi krisi. Colors are much better. thanks again for creating this!
opencore zegt :
color is still open: and with a red color like this? -
opencore zegt :
I'm also curious how this logo will look like if it's less bold. like:
it's also looking good with that -
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opencore zegt :
You've posted the best logo till now.
Is it possible to create the logo with lime green instead of the sea green color?
Just to see which colors will be possible. Would be great, thanks
Regards, Danny -
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krisi zegt
Like that?
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opencore zegt :
One more thing.
The green moon symbool a little bit smaller and replace the black letter with gray
If you can do that, we take this one in considiration for sure
Thanks and Regards,
Danny -
opencore zegt :
typo : letter/letters
krisi zegt
Ok. Not a problem.
krisi zegt
You want just "core" letters in grey or also the smaller "moon"?
opencore zegt :
Yes please both. And the two moons which symbolizes the O a little bit thinner plz
opencore zegt :
gray color like this one:
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krisi zegt
here the logo with adjustments.
Let me know if I can be more helpful.
Krisi -
opencore zegt :
Looks better!
Is would like to see this logo with the following color combination:
If you can create this as well, would be really nice! slogan text can stay gray.
Thanks and regards,
Danny -
opencore zegt :
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opencore zegt :
Ziet er goed uit. Misschien dat het blauwe maantje van de eerste letter nog iets verder doorgetrokken kan worden? Dan graag bij het onderste logo. Als ook de slogan "Software Development and Testing" eronder kan. Ben wel benieuwd hoe dat staat
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