Verrassend logo gewenst voor Ecologische adviseur
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
-Ik graag een nieuwe opmerking toe, aangezien wij veel inzendingen krijgen met EA, voor Ecologisch Adviseur. Onze voorkeur betreft een logo/iconografie zonder letters. Ik hoop hiermee duidelijker te zijn. Wat ook meer betrokken mag worden, is het wereldse aspect en het klimaat. Ik hoop hiermee geholpen te hebben. Bedankt alvast
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Another one with social message box which represent your activities.
Hope you like it.
Creative regards,
Marko. -
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Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Dear Pauline,
here is my vision about your company.
The leaf/tree illustrated with sun in one simple and unique design represents a nature and climate. Here is an circle around which represent:
-power button (inspired by nature power or power of your activities)
All design elements are incorporated in pastel green/yellow shades.
I really hope that you like it.
If you have some suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
I wish you all the best,
Marko -
Pauline72 zegt :
Same with this one. Really beautifull. it be thinkable/doable to make combination of these two designs? Like a merger of the graphic leaf with a graphic globe? Maybe it's farfetched.. but we like both very much and will add them to the presentation. Thanks again
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