Logo and business card for start-up!

Wedstrijd gegevens:

  • Wedstrijd van: Elsa
  • Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
  • Totaal budget: € 125.00
  • Datum start : 05-12-2014 10:54
  • Datum einde : 12-03-2015 10:41
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,pdf
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 56
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


For my brand new start-up 'ontopof' I'm looking for a sophisticated logo and business card.


'ontopof' will provide local executive support services to business travellers from all over the world. I would like to use the logo for my website, social media and hard-copy media


Executive travellers (men and women) from all over the world

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

Keywords: professional, young, simple, modern, businesslike, elegant, sophisticated, a little bit wayward?
Color: I was thinking of no colors but your the experts :)

Social Network