Logo en huisstijl ontwerp voor eigentijds IT bedrijf
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: Floris Jan Galesloot
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 419.00
- Datum start : 05-10-2016 17:28
- Datum einde : 12-11-2016 17:28
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 105
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Het doel van het bedrijf is om onze klanten te helpen met het verbeteren van bedrijfsvoering door procesverbetering en koppelen van informatie systemen. Wij maken de IT informatiestromen en daarmee de bedrijfsprocessen (weer) Vloeiend.
Het ontwerp moet dit doel onderstrepen.
MKB+ (20 werknemers of meer)
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Floris Jan Galesloot zegt :
Thanks for your stationary preview. I don't like the black. I think we should stick to the orange and purple colors.
factor zegt
Dear Floris,
Thnaks for your comment, i will work on your suggestion and sent you to see. This is my email mymyfamous@gmail.com can you sent me mail because your contest is finished and i can't upload here.
Milla Lekic -
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factor zegt
Thanks for you comment, i work on your suggestion. And upload 3 version to see. If you have any suggestion fell free to write.
Milla Lekic -
Floris Jan Galesloot zegt :
Could you show us a version of the logo with:
- The Logo + VLOEIEND in purple, IT in orage
- The Logo + VLOEIEND in orange, IT in purple
- The Logo + IT in Purple, VLOEIEND in Orange
- The Logo + IT in Orange, VLOEIEND in Purple
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factor zegt
Dear Floris,I work on your suggestion, hope you like something like this i use only one color for logo design and other color for text. If you have any suggestion fell free to write. Greeting
Floris Jan Galesloot zegt :
I think the All Caps version looks much better. I'm no designer ofcourse, but would it be possible to use different colors in the name to 'split' the IT from the VLOEIEND part?
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factor zegt
Dear Floris, this is my first proposal for stationery. If you have any suggestions feel free to write. This is my e-mail mymyfamous@gmail.com . Greeting
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factor zegt
I used here only yellow and orange colors. Greeting
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factor zegt
Dear Floris, I made changes I added IT to name Vloeiend. I use colors yellow, orange and purple. Do you like it with this color gradients ? Do you have any suggestions to improve my work? I will start working on stationary. Greeting
Floris Jan Galesloot zegt :
Could you try to find a way to work only with 2 colors without gradients? Perhaps by using different colors in the logo and text?
Floris Jan Galesloot zegt :
Also, do you think it would be possible that the IT part is direclty next to the Vloeiend part in the name? Perhaps by using contrast in the colors for readability, or perhaps you have some ideas about that?
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Floris Jan Galesloot zegt :
Hi Factor,
We really like yoyr latest desing. We do have some questions.
Could you add IT to our name - Vloeiend IT - perhaps in a contrast color? Only Vloeiend is not exactly telling poeple what we do, but if we add IT we think it would be more clear.
Also could you try the logo with a little less color gradients?
We really like the purple, but perhaps there is a way to add a litte yellow-ish or orange-ish colors?
Also we would like to see your design for the stationary.
Floris Jan -
factor zegt
Dear Floris, thank you for your comment, I will work on changes to improve my work and i will also work on stationary. Greeting
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