Logo en huisstijl voor accountantskantoor
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: DUAL
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 250.00
- Datum start : 01-10-2017 17:10
- Datum einde : 15-10-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 36
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Wij zijn op zoek naar een zakelijk, strak en modern logo en een complete huisstijl (visitekaartjes, briefpapier etc.) voor onze onderneming.
Het logo willen wij kunnen gebruiken op social media, eigen website, merchandising, visitekaartjes, briefpapier etc.
Naast tekst mag het logo ook een minimale en passende illustratie bevatten.
De volgende steekwoorden kunnen als inspiratie dienen:
- Zakelijk
- Kwaliteit
- Topsegment
- Strak
- Modern
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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DUAL zegt :
Thank you for your design. We have evaluated all designs and decided to continue with another designer.
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DUAL zegt :
Hi Whitecat. Thank you for this design. However we like your forth design best. Please see this post for our comments.
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DUAL zegt :
Hi Whitecat. Thank you for this design. From your submissions this is the one we like best. However it does not stand out as much as the first submission of virtuallies.
We have the following suggetions to improve:
* Could you please adjust the font of "DUAL" to a more unique font?
* Could you please adjust the colour scheme to make it stand out more?
* Could you also ad the logo with a reversed colour scheme (like the one from virtuallies)? -
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DUAL zegt :
Hi Whitecat. Thank you for this design. However we like your forth design best. Please see this post for our comments.
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Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
2nd option
DUAL zegt :
Thank you for these designs. Would it be possible to change the letters to capital letters (so change to DUAL)? We would like to see the design with capital letters, as we will be writing our name as 'DUAL' in standard text.
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Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
Dear CH.
In this my creativ entry i have shown the figure of person sitting on table and working ( accountant as you working ) moreover you can see 2 D's in it ( 2md ABCD... ' b ' one in blue colour and second in reverse white, circle shows the head of the person and 2 hands one folded and kept on table and other hand straight as writing something on book etc... hope you got my point of view creating this logo for your contes.
Looking forward to your reply, if any changes you feel to do please tell me.
whitecat -
MiliG zegt
logo is created from top view or birdeye view... if person sitting on table and work and seen him from top of his head you see this way as graphics....
DUAL zegt :
See my comment above, same applies for this design. Thank you.
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