Logo en huisstijl voor accountantskantoor
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: DUAL
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 250.00
- Datum start : 01-10-2017 17:10
- Datum einde : 15-10-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 36
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Wij zijn op zoek naar een zakelijk, strak en modern logo en een complete huisstijl (visitekaartjes, briefpapier etc.) voor onze onderneming.
Het logo willen wij kunnen gebruiken op social media, eigen website, merchandising, visitekaartjes, briefpapier etc.
Naast tekst mag het logo ook een minimale en passende illustratie bevatten.
De volgende steekwoorden kunnen als inspiratie dienen:
- Zakelijk
- Kwaliteit
- Topsegment
- Strak
- Modern
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Voila ;)
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Good morning DUAL team,
thank you for your feedback, attached a revision of logo and housestyle, including the requested icon. For further adjustements, I'll remain at your disposal,
kind regards, Dagmar -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
First example for an according housestyle,
kind regards, Dagmar | VirtualLies -
DUAL zegt :
Hi Dagmar. Thank you for this design. We like your first design best. See this design for further comments.
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Good morning DUAL,
thank you for your feedback, attached a variation of my first proposal,
kind regards, Dagmar | VirtualLies -
DUAL zegt :
Hi Dagmar. Thank you for this design. We like your first design best. See this design for further comments.
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DUAL zegt :
Thank you for this design. Your first logo design is more in the direction as we would like to have our logo.
DUAL zegt :
Hi Dagmar. Thank you for this design. We like your first design best. See this design for further comments.
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DUAL zegt :
Thank you for this design. The design actually is pretty much in the right direction as we would like to see it, we will further evaluate this design and come back to you in case of any proposals from our side to process adjustments.
DUAL zegt :
Hi Virtallies, thank you for your submissions. So far this is the one we like best. We are wondering what the design would look like if you add a small illustration (which is the part of the design of whitecat we like most), could you please add this? We also took a look at your first housestyle design and like it. For the next one we would like to suggest to keep the logo in some cases a little bit smaller, but these are minor adjustments.
DUAL zegt :
Hi Virtallies, thank you for your submissions. So far this is the one we like best. We are wondering what the design would look like if you add a small illustration (which is the part of the design of whitecat we like most), could you please add this? We also took a look at your first housestyle design and like it. For the next one we would like to suggest to keep the logo in some cases a little bit smaller, but these are minor adjustments.
DUAL zegt :
Hi Virtallies, thank you for your submissions. So far this is the one we like best. We are wondering what the design would look like if you add a small illustration (which is the part of the design of whitecat we like most), could you please add this? We also took a look at your first housestyle design and like it. For the next one we would like to suggest to keep the logo in some cases a little bit smaller, but these are minor adjustments.
DUAL zegt :
Hi Dagmar, we have evaluated all alternatives and in the end we have decided that your first design is the best. So we would like to ask if you could provide us with a first example of a housestyle based on this design. We will then further comment on details to be adjusted (if any).
Furthermore, could you also please answer the following questions:
1. Could you provide us with the CMYK and RBG code?
2. Could you provide us with the exact names of the fonts used in your design?
3. We assume these fonts are included in the package, could you please confirm?
If more convenient for you, we can communicate by email regarding these questions and other matters. You can contact us by email on jaleksijovski@gmail.com -
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