logo & huisstijl voor niche strategieconsultancy
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: Aute
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 359.00
- Datum start : 13-11-2017 11:31
- Datum einde : 27-11-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 102
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
De ambitie is om in een aantal jaar uit te groeien tot een netwerk-enabler, het wereldwijde knooppunt voor kennis en inzicht op het gebied van toezichtstrategie.
Trefwoorden: handwerk/maatwerk (zie bijgevoegd plaatje, dat ik gebruik voor mijn website), breed perspectief, modern, deskundig & betrouwbaar. Ik zoek een balans: enerzijds is de doelgroep (toezichthouders) nogal conservatief, dus ik wil geen uberhip of -jong design gebruiken, maar de ambitie is wel om moderne inzichten over te brengen, dus het moet ook niet te saai of ouderwets worden.
Zie voor de huidige website: supervisionstrategy.com. Zou mooi zijn om (een van) die kleuren terug te laten komen.
NB. Dit bedrijf onderscheidt zich van andere andere consultants, doordat het zich uitsluitend focust op toezicht. Het onderscheidt zich van andere toezicht-consultants doordat het:
- alleen werkt voor toezichthouders (die het publiek belang dienen), niet voor commerciële (onder toezicht staande) bedrijven;
- 20 jaar praktijkkennis combineert met een brede & diepe theoretische basis (rechten, filosofie, MBA. PhD);
- zich niet beperkt tot een technische invalshoek, maar vele perspectieven op 'the supervision craft' verenigt.
NB2: gezien de eerste letters van het merk Supervision Strategy, voorkom uiteraard de afkorting SS. :)
Alvast hartelijk bedankt voor je voorstel!
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
solaram zegt
hi Aute,
here's a (very) quick ppt mock up as i just read your comment and didn't have much time to really detail it before the end of the contest, anyway it's just to help you visualize the general design, hope you like it ;)
best regards,
Sol. -
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solaram zegt
Hi Aute,
Here's a new version of the stationery mock up i hope the image will be better this time, i downsized the logos to match your request and i changed the dark blue background of the business card for a clear grey one with a chessboard pattern to reinforce the "strategy" feeling.
Best regards,
Aute zegt :
Thanks Sol, image quality is fine. I love the chessboard pattern, well done! :)
I think the logo-and-letters could still be smaller (except for on the frontside of the business card).
My only, final worry (detail, detail)is that my website provider (Wix) might not support the font that you have chosen. Do you happen to know wether they do? Or else, what is a good way to make sure that I will have a consistent or at least 'compatible' font for the large lettering on my site? -
solaram zegt
Hi Aute,
to my experience Wix should have no problem with the font as it accepts .otf and .ttf font files just fine you just need to add it the font list, however i would advise against using the same font as the logo in the main body (text) of the website as it will create a monotony, i would instead advice using a sans serif font (like the one you were previously using or another one like that) to create contrast between titles and text -
Aute zegt :
Good to know, makes sense Sol, thanks.
Aute zegt :
Oh, I forgot, sorry: would you please visualise how a Powerpoint sheet could/should look like? Final request Sol, I promise. :) Many thanks, Aute
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solaram zegt
mock up of possible stationery design using the logo
solaram zegt
sorry it seems that the image quality was little bit lost when i was trying to make the file size uploadable on brandsupply, i will retry later with a higher quality image
Best regards,
Sol. -
Aute zegt :
Thanks Sol, looking forward to that.
I know this is only a quick mock up, but for the definite design I prefer the logo to be a bit smaller(more subtle), except for on the business card. And for this design, I personally think the dark background does not work well. :) Best, Aute -
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solaram zegt
Hi Aute,
Here's a little mock up to help you visualize how it will look on your current website -
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Aute zegt :
Thanks Sol, I prefer type 5: strong, simple, and the closeness of the letters give it a nice 'tight' feel.
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solaram zegt
hi Aute,
here's the color combinations you asked, i also added some fonts that are similar, to the one i used in n°1 in the last proposal, i hope you like them, i can still propose some others after you chose what color combination you like, i think it will be easier to choose after that as the design will be near complete.
Best regards,
Sol. -
Aute zegt :
Hi Sol,
I prefer the colour scheme of 3. I think the logo is done. Also, the solution with the dividing vertical line between logo and letters works well, I think, as well as the blue and black letters with blue above.
Out of these options, I prefer the font of 1 because of the thickness of the lettering: the thicker 2 is a bit inelegant to me, and the thinner 3 a bit to insubstantial for a solid, reliable business partner.
Perhaps you would attempt some alternate fonts with about that thickness of 1, also 'professional/reliable,' yet a bit more distinctive/memorable? I know, it's a tough balance to strike!
Again, many thanks..
Aute -
solaram zegt
thanks Aute,
i will be back with a new selection of fonts that match your criteria as soon as i can.
Best regards.
Sol. -
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solaram zegt
hi Aute,
thanks for the feedbacks, i'm glad to hear that you like the design, here's some color and fonts combinations for the previous design i ditched the gradient design for more solid colors to match the design of your website.
Best regards,
Sol -
Aute zegt :
Thanks, Sol. I will have a closer look when I have more time. I will get back to you on this shortly. Best, Aute
Aute zegt :
Hi Sol,
- for color scheme, I prefer a dark iris (more 'natural' looking), I think 5 is my favorite out of these, followed by 8. As I currently work with 3 colours (blue, orange/brown, and black), would you try two more options: dark blue eye with black iris, and black eye with dark blue iris? One of those should be it, I reckon.
- As for fonts, I think nr. 1 is my favorite out of these options, but I am not that convinced: ideally, I would want a font that says professional and reliable (as this one does), but that at the same time is a bit more recognisable (helps to build brand distinction)? -
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Aute zegt :
Hi Sol, yes, I think this works really well, thanks. I think this is getting close to the final version of this design. I think the overall design is done, the only thing I would request is (i) some tinkering with letter type, color scheme etc, to see what works best, and (ii) visualising what this would look like in different applications (site, letterhead, etc)? I would like colours and lettertype to match my website. In terms of colours, I would like to stay close to the current website's colours (but happy to tweak them to match your design, if that works better). In terms of letter type: I think the type I currently use on the site (DIN Next Light) is a bit more distinctive and professional looking, but I am open to different types (as long as the website editor supports using this type). Best, Aute
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solaram zegt
hi Aute,
thanks for you're feedback, here's a new proposal, i reused some ideas from the previous propasal while aiming for a more modern look, hope you like it :)
Best regards,
solaram zegt
sorry your*
Aute zegt :
Thanks Solaram, I like this much better in terms of look & feel. I think this solution, of using the chess piece as the iris of the eye, is quite creative. My main concern with this draft is that, when the logo is printed/projected in a small format, the horse will be unclear/hard to identify. Perhaps a different chess piece (tower, queen, king) might be easier to portray clearly in a small format?
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Aute zegt :
To my personal taste, this is a bit traditional/stiffy. :) Also, I think I prefer some color (see website).
Thank you! -
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Aute zegt :
I find the association that this image evokes not very clear. It seems like some puppet master pulling his strings? :) I don't think it does much for the brand.
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