Ontwerp een logo en huisstijl voor Belief!
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Sten2005
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 239.00
- Datum start : 28-08-2017 12:57
- Datum einde : 11-09-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 56
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Voor mijn eenmanszaak Belief! Financiële Planning | Vermogen | Advies ben ik op zoek naar een leuk logo en een pakkende huisstijl.
Ik denk graag anders en wil daarom niet primair de standaard kleuren gebruiken die voor de financiële sector gebruikelijk zijn, namelijk groen, blauw en grijs. Ik vind het erg leuk om de kleur rood erin te verwerken (geen roze). Er mag zeker blauw, grijs en groen in het logo voorkomen. Alleen rood wit wordt denk ik saai.
Keywords: vrouwelijk, stoer, strak.
Het logo gaat gebruikt worden voor briefpapier, visitekaartjes, enveloppe, website, social media.
Meer over mij:
Ik had het prima voor elkaar: een mooie carrière in het bankwezen.
Van de buitenkant klopte het plaatje precies.
Van binnen voelde ik alleen steeds meer knagen.
Een onbestemd gevoel dat er meer moest zijn dan dit.
Dat ik langzaam voelde dat ik deed wat er van mij gevraagd en verwacht werd, in plaats van dat ik zelf aan het roer ging staan.
Dat het altijd ging om meer, meer, meer.
Dat ik steeds meer energie verloor.
In mijn hart wilde ik ondernemen.
Levens veranderen.
Impact maken.
De wereld mooier maken.
Veel mensen helpen.
Doen waar IK in geloof.
Mijn hart volgen.
Ik overwon mijn onzekerheid en ben begonnen.
Niet standaard, maar helemaal uit mijn hart, mijn passie en mijn talenten.
In lijn met mijn overtuiging, mijn Belief!
Het is mijn overtuiging dat iedereen zijn eigen levensdoelen en drijfveren heeft die hem of haar bewegen en inspireren. Een middel dat men kan gebruiken om levensdoelen te realiseren is geld.
Ik wil graag een sparringpartner, meedenker, ondersteuner en luisterend oor zijn bij het maken van financiële keuzes om iemands levensdoelen te bereiken
Ik zie het als mijn taak om klanten inzichten te verschaffen in hun wensen, doelen en dromen.
Het gaat mij om de mens, de persoon achter de financiën en de manier waarop iemand in het leven staat.
Graag denk ik mee over financiële en vermogensvraagstukken.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Marysu zegt
Hello Natasja,
I have done the changes you wanted. I think that the light shades of grey are looking better too.I have fixed the font on BC. Don't worry I'll send you the files in formats for printing shop so you will be able to adjust and move the logo, text, dashes... and print the logo where you want it. Of course you can customize phone numbers and texts too. The two images of the business card are the front and back.
Until you don't designated me as a winner,I can't upload the right files to you only for preview. So if you are sure that my design is the winning design select me and we can still fine-tune the design in handover stage. When you are satisfied with files you will release the payment for me and that is it :)
I hope I have explained well to you.
Thank you
Kind regards
Marysu -
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Marysu zegt
Now please take a look and select which one is the best grey for you?
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi Marysu,
Thank you again!
-I want the dashes between Financiële Planning, Vermogen and Advies in the same dark color as the dash between the logo and the name. I think they are too light now.I want these dots to really stand out.
-Different fonts are used on the business card. So I see now that the email and internet address are used in small and big letters. I think it's more beautiful if all text is in the same font.
- i would like the logo in the right upper corner of the writing paper. And smaller.
-Is it possible to place the logo at the print shop right and then in the middle? Or is the design static? Can I print the logo where I want it?
-on the envelop i want the logo on the right upper side and smaller.On the left is a window on the envelope.
-Are the two images of the business card the front and back?
-If I see the business card in grey, I think I'll find a verry light shade of grey more beautiful than the darker ones. What do you think?
-can I, after receiving the files from you, customize phone numbers and texts? I want to place more information in the red bar at the bottom of the letter paper.
-On the business card I would like to name my name smaller and the logo bigger.
-If I have designated you as a winner, can we still fine-tune the design? Or should all of this happen before I show you a winner?
Thank you very much. Unfortunately, I'm not so technical. That's why I have so many questions ...
Kind regards,
Natasja -
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Marysu zegt
...or one fountain fill with two shades of grey?
Sten2005 zegt :
i can't see the grey color. Did you send the same immage as earlyer?
Marysu zegt
No, this one is combination of light grey and white. Is it maybe to light?
Marysu zegt
Then the one before is darker.
Sten2005 zegt :
i mean the backround of the folder and the bc. Not the letters. Sorry for not being clear.
Marysu zegt
Ok, I have an idea, wait a minute....
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Marysu zegt
Sten2005 zegt :
I think it's very light. I looked at the RAL colors grey. Would RAL 7030 be nice?
Marysu zegt
No, no it is darker grey that previos design that you said is too dark. I'll try something a middle between the last two.
Marysu zegt
One more thing did you mean in previos message that the dashes are dark too or just a grey background on folder and BC?
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Marysu zegt
I have make the dashes between Financiële Planning, Vermogen and Advies in the same color as the dash between the character and the name as you asked. Is this too dark grey for BC and folder or not?
Marysu zegt
I have make the dashes between Financiële Planning, Vermogen and Advies in the same color as the dash between the character and the name as you asked. Is this too dark grey for BC and folder or not?
Marysu zegt
I have made the dashes between Financiële Planning, Vermogen and Advies in the same color as the dash between the character and the name as you asked. Is this too dark grey for BC and folder or not?
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi Marysu!
Thank you! Ik like the straight lines. The logo on the envelop is quit big. I think the color of the dash is too dark for de BC en folder. Can you make these lighter grey?
Thank you again!
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Marysu zegt
Ok, of course, thanks. In a minute.
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Marysu zegt
Did you meant the character through a dash like this?
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi Marysu,
Thank you for replying so fast!!
Ik liked the previous character more. Let's just keep it the way it was. The dashes between Financiële Planning, Vermogen and Advies. Can they be in the same color as the dash between the character and the name? Thank you!
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi Marysu,
Thank you for replying so fast!!
Ik liked the previous character more. Let's just keep it the way it was. The dashes between Financiële Planning, Vermogen and Advies. Can they be in the same color as the dash between the character and the name? Thank you!
Kind regards,
Natasja -
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Sten2005 zegt :
Hi Marysu,
Thank you!!
I would like to have de folder en businesscard in grey. Not too dark. Sorry, but i don't like de rounding in red. Ik would like that more straight.
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Marysu zegt
Hi Natasja,
don't worry I'll do as you want until you are satisfied.
Kind regards
Marysu -
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Marysu zegt
Dear Natasja, thank you!
This is an example of the business cards. I don't have the real informations about you but still I think you can see how they could look like.
Kind regards
Marysu -
Sten2005 zegt :
I sincerely thank you for your effort and thinking about it and am very curious about the result.
Sten2005 zegt :
Sorry for the 5 posts... My computer did not react.
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Sten2005 zegt :
Hi marysu,
I have asked Brandsupply to extend the contest. They did this until September 11th.
I have a strong preference for your design. Really amazing! I love it!
In the competition I asked for a logo and corporate identity for Belief !.
Before I finish the contest, I would like to make some adjustments and ask you some questions.
My questions:
-I think the logo is the most beautiful if the logo is left next to the name with a dash in between. The dash may be a little clearer. Because of this color he falls a bit away with the white backround.
-Would you be so kind to design a letterhead, envelope, and a folder in which I can send reports? I do not want the folder to be white. I think your design in black is too dark. Would it be nice to make the background gray? And this also for the business card?
-the texts "Financiële Planning | Vermogen | Advies is in 2 colors. I would like to like it in 1 color with clear lines in between.
-The hands interrupt the infinity sign. Could it be nice to keep the character through a dash? I do not know, I trust your creativity! Now people think it's an s. Maybe this is not beautiful, I was wondering if this could be beautiful.
I sincerely thank you for your effort and thinking about it and am very curious about the result.
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi marysu,
I have asked Brandsupply to extend the contest. They did this until September 11th.
I have a strong preference for your design. Really amazing! I love it!
In the competition I asked for a logo and corporate identity for Belief !.
Before I finish the contest, I would like to make some adjustments and ask you some questions.
My questions:
-I think the logo is the most beautiful if the logo is left next to the name with a dash in between. The dash may be a little clearer. Because of this color he falls a bit away with the white backround.
-Would you be so kind to design a letterhead, envelope, and a folder in which I can send reports? I do not want the folder to be white. I think your design in black is too dark. Would it be nice to make the background gray? And this also for the business card?
-the texts "Financiële Planning | Vermogen | Advies is in 2 colors. I would like to like it in 1 color with clear lines in between.
-The hands interrupt the infinity sign. Could it be nice to keep the character through a dash? I do not know, I trust your creativity! Now people think it's an s. Maybe this is not beautiful, I was wondering if this could be beautiful.
I sincerely thank you for your effort and thinking about it and am very curious about the result.
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi marysu,
I have asked Brandsupply to extend the contest. They did this until September 11th.
I have a strong preference for your design. Really amazing! I love it!
In the competition I asked for a logo and corporate identity for Belief !.
Before I finish the contest, I would like to make some adjustments and ask you some questions.
My questions:
-I think the logo is the most beautiful if the logo is left next to the name with a dash in between. The dash may be a little clearer. Because of this color he falls a bit away with the white backround.
-Would you be so kind to design a letterhead, envelope, and a folder in which I can send reports? I do not want the folder to be white. I think your design in black is too dark. Would it be nice to make the background gray? And this also for the business card?
-the texts "Financiële Planning | Vermogen | Advies is in 2 colors. I would like to like it in 1 color with clear lines in between.
-The hands interrupt the infinity sign. Could it be nice to keep the character through a dash? I do not know, I trust your creativity! Now people think it's an s. Maybe this is not beautiful, I was wondering if this could be beautiful.
I sincerely thank you for your effort and thinking about it and am very curious about the result.
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi marysu,
I have asked Brandsupply to extend the contest. They did this until September 11th.
I have a strong preference for your design. Really amazing! I love it!
In the competition I asked for a logo and corporate identity for Belief !.
Before I finish the contest, I would like to make some adjustments and ask you some questions.
My questions:
-I think the logo is the most beautiful if the logo is left next to the name with a dash in between. The dash may be a little clearer. Because of this color he falls a bit away with the white backround.
-Would you be so kind to design a letterhead, envelope, and a folder in which I can send reports? I do not want the folder to be white. I think your design in black is too dark. Would it be nice to make the background gray? And this also for the business card?
-the texts "Financiële Planning | Vermogen | Advies is in 2 colors. I would like to like it in 1 color with clear lines in between.
-The hands interrupt the infinity sign. Could it be nice to keep the character through a dash? I do not know, I trust your creativity! Now people think it's an s. Maybe this is not beautiful, I was wondering if this could be beautiful.
I sincerely thank you for your effort and thinking about it and am very curious about the result.
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi marysu,
I have asked Brandsupply to extend the contest. They did this until September 11th.
I have a strong preference for your design. Really amazing! I love it!
In the competition I asked for a logo and corporate identity for Belief !.
Before I finish the contest, I would like to make some adjustments and ask you some questions.
My questions:
-I think the logo is the most beautiful if the logo is left next to the name with a dash in between. The dash may be a little clearer. Because of this color he falls a bit away with the white backround.
-Would you be so kind to design a letterhead, envelope, and a folder in which I can send reports? I do not want the folder to be white. I think your design in black is too dark. Would it be nice to make the background gray? And this also for the business card?
-the texts "Financiële Planning | Vermogen | Advies is in 2 colors. I would like to like it in 1 color with clear lines in between.
-The hands interrupt the infinity sign. Could it be nice to keep the character through a dash? I do not know, I trust your creativity! Now people think it's an s. Maybe this is not beautiful, I was wondering if this could be beautiful.
I sincerely thank you for your effort and thinking about it and am very curious about the result.
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Sten2005 zegt :
Hi marysu,
I have asked Brandsupply to extend the contest. They did this until September 11th.
I have a strong preference for your design. Really amazing! I love it!
In the competition I asked for a logo and corporate identity for Belief !.
Before I finish the contest, I would like to make some adjustments and ask you some questions.
My questions:
-I think the logo is the most beautiful if the logo is left next to the name with a dash in between. The dash may be a little clearer. Because of this color he falls a bit away with the white backround.
-Would you be so kind to design a letterhead, envelope, and a folder in which I can send reports? I do not want the folder to be white. I think your design in black is too dark. Would it be nice to make the background gray? And this also for the business card?
-the texts "Financiële Planning | Vermogen | Advies is in 2 colors. I would like to like it in 1 color with clear lines in between.
-The hands interrupt the infinity sign. Could it be nice to keep the character through a dash? I do not know, I trust your creativity! Now people think it's an s. Maybe this is not beautiful, I was wondering if this could be beautiful.
I sincerely thank you for your effort and thinking about it and am very curious about the result.
Kind regards,
Natasja -
Marysu zegt
Ok, thank you! I'll do my best.
Kind regards
Marysu -
Marysu zegt
I agree with you that the most beautiful if the logo is left next to the name with a dash in between.
I'll design what you been asking as soon as possible. -
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Toelichting van de designer Marysu:
Hello, The meaning behind an infinity sign is actually quite beautiful - it symbolizes eternity, empowerment, and everlasting love. With human hands in it, it has a second meaning - like helping, change and trust between people. If you like my idea for representing your work I'm here for you.
Marysu -
Sten2005 zegt :
Dear Marysu,
I love it!!
Would you be so kind to:
-let me se the logo with a red sign?
-put the tekst: Financiële planning | Vermogen | Advies in stead of financieel adviseur?
-how would a business card look with mij name, number, website, etc on it?
Thank you!
Kind regards, Natasja -
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