Startend bedrijf in recruitment
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: johanwilgenhof
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 200.00
- Datum start : 29-08-2017 16:28
- Datum einde : 05-09-2017 16:27
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 43
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
JW staat voor mijn initialen Johan Wilgenhof. Staffing staat voor personeelsbezetting.
JWStaffing bemiddelt mensen in de vakgebieden Finance, Risk, Compliance, Audit. Deze woorden kunnen wellicht als ondertitel in het logo worden gebruikt. Dan is direct duidelijk wat we doen. Hoofdzakelijk worden deze mensen ingezet binnen de financiële sector. Zij zijn in dienst bij JWStaffing of worden als ZZP-er ingehuurd.
JWStaffing heeft dus drie doelgroepen: klanten in de financiële sector, ZZP-ers die bemiddeld willen worden en werknemers die bij JWStaffing in dienst komen.
Uitstraling bedrijf:
- professioneel
- transparant
- betrouwbaar
- persoonlijk
Gezien de doelgroep(en) ligt de nadruk op de kleur blauw voor de hand (zie DISC); blauw staat voor consciëntieus. De combinatie met grijs vind ik aantrekkelijk.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
Hope this is final corrections as per your said ... see the private message too
johanwilgenhof zegt :
Oke thank you, for the size on the envelope of the logo and adress, I assume it is adjustable when I want to have it printed? Because it is a little too big now for putting the addressee in the center.
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Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
Hope i have submitted all the things as per your feedback ... if anything missing or need any more changes please feel free to made it done ... morover i have given 2nd option of Business card, as i saw you love in left alignement in the Letter head so i made another B Card to make it family stationery all in left side and your name in right... i have done 3 different options for favicon icon in square and circle too and logo in white with company details and Only Logo too ... which one to be done in final do tell me clearly
whitecat -
johanwilgenhof zegt :
I think you're doing a great job whitecat! My remarks on your last adjustments:
- the vertical lines in the business card, the writing paper and envelope a liitle bit thinner so they look more subtle to me.
- the favicon in blue is my favorite.
- the left aligned Business card with my name in the left is my favorite.
- When you send me the originals is it possible for me to change adress, phonenumber, etc?
- and last question when I want to change the subtitle in the logo (Finance, Risk,etc) is this possible of should I contact you for this?
You see, I am a layperson in this matters :))
Thanks Johan
johanwilgenhof zegt :
I think you're doing a great job whitecat! My remarks on your last adjustments:
- the vertical lines in the business card, the writing paper and envelope a liitle bit thinner so they look more subtle to me.
- the favicon in blue is my favorite.
- the left aligned Business card with my name in the left is my favorite.
- When you send me the originals is it possible for me to change adress, phonenumber, etc?
- and last question when I want to change the subtitle in the logo (Finance, Risk,etc) is this possible of should I contact you for this?
You see, I am a layperson in this matters :))
Thanks Johan
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
Thanks for your helping hands ... do give the feedback sir
johanwilgenhof zegt :
Thanks whitecat, it looks very nice to me. I have a few remarks:
On the envelope:
-In the left top corner the logo and immediately beneath that, the adress in one line. Maximum space to be used from the top is 40 millimeter (Dutch posting demands).
On the writing-paper:
-could you outline all to the left, and maybe the logo a little bit higher and/or smaller.
- Could you make a separate flavicon?
- Can you make a logo just in white for the use on black backgrounds.
johanwilgenhof zegt :
Thanks whitecat, it looks very nice to me. I have a few remarks:
On the envelope:
-In the left top corner the logo and immediately beneath that, the adress in one line. Maximum space to be used from the top is 40 millimeter (Dutch posting demands).
On the writing-paper:
-could you outline all to the left, and maybe the logo a little bit higher and/or smaller.
- Could you make a separate flavicon?
- Can you make a logo just in white for the use on black backgrounds.
johanwilgenhof zegt :
And could you look to the vertical lines between te the words. I would like to have them a little more subtle, to say thinner :)
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Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
Thanks for your good scoring and feedback .... here it is as per your direction to " JWStaffing " ... looking forward to your feedback ... please be aware of copy and making little modifications destroying the charm and beauty of originals ...
johanwilgenhof zegt :
Thanks whitecat, I noticed....Your logo looks just perfect and matches my qualifications.
In addition could you please show me the complete housstyle. -
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Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
Here is my work for your new visual identity. You can see the files in good quality by clicking on the images.
I bring my experience in graphic design to create a powerful and distinctive logo. I hope you will enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed working on your project.
I await your feedback and I remain at your disposal.
Best regards
whitecat -
johanwilgenhof zegt :
Thanks for your submission whitecat. It looks very nice and suits my expectations at a high level. Could you please put the words JWStaffing together?
johanwilgenhof zegt :
Thanks for your submission whitecat. It looks very nice and suits my expectations at a high level. Could you please put the words JWStaffing together?
johanwilgenhof zegt :
Thanks for your submission whitecat. It looks very nice and suits my expectations at a high level. Could you please put the words JWStaffing together?
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.