Strak logo voor zelfstandig ondernemer
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: Cekootje
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 319.00
- Datum start : 07-02-2017 16:43
- Datum einde : 14-02-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 43
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Talen en technieken waar ik vooral mee werk: Java, Oracle, Angular, Google, Agile
Bedrijfsnaam: Cesar Koot Solutions
Zelfstandig ondernemer, software ontwikkelaar.
Nieuwe opdrachtgevers: grote bedrijven (denk ING, Rabobank, Overheidsinstanties)
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Axel Sonnet
Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Cekootje, here is the business card recto verso
Axel Sonnet zegt
let me konw your real coordinates and what you want to display on this card.
Cekootje zegt :
This looks awesome mate! I don't know it this conversation is private so maybe it's better if I give you the data before we pass the files?
Axel Sonnet zegt
Thanks! this comment section is not private, we will be able to communicate in private on "finalisation mode " once you validate a winner on the site ( i don't know how to do so as i never had a project as a contest holder )
Axel Sonnet zegt
i can edit the info data once in finalisation mode of course
Cekootje zegt :
Excellent! I can't choose a winner right now, maybe I have to wait until the contest is over (in four days).
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Cekootje, here are the stationery exemples.
Axel Sonnet zegt
Glad you like it ^^ , it is possible to ask brandsupply to select winner before the deadline ( a previous client did it with me ) but of course it's legit you wait til the end ^^
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Cekootje, here is the business card recto verso
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Cekkootje, is that any better ? (the google logo on my browser contains no grey/brown color so i improvised ^^)
Cekootje zegt :
Yep I like it, thanks! So how does this all work? This is the first time I do this through Brandsupply.
I like the logos and colors a lot so I really want this to be my Corporate Identity (do you call it Stationery?) What will I receive when I pick you as a winner? -
Axel Sonnet zegt
All you have to do it's to declare me as winner, then i 'll have to upload final logo designs ( two versions ). Once that done, you 'll have to check if the design are ok ( i'll upload 2 illustrator files .ai and 2 .png files for preview and fonts).
I'll be paid by brandsupply once you confirm thoses files. -
Cekootje zegt :
So I can use your files for example to make businesscards myself? What designs will you send? This one and the one side-by-side? Like the one two below this one?
Axel Sonnet zegt
I'll send 2 files for the logo only ( dark and clear versions ) and i can also send 2 files for business card ( recto/verso )
Cekootje zegt :
Can you show examples of the verso? And perhaps an example of how I can incorporate the logos on letters and envelopes?
Cekootje zegt :
I don't know if you can see the designs others have sent me, but someone called artmoderne has sent in an example of businesscards recto and verso.
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Cekootje, here is modifications about colors, maybe my screen is really different from yours, hope it will be ok !
Cekootje zegt :
I'm sorry but I really don't see any difference with the previous one :( Can't you put a tiiiiny bit of brown in there? Just like the Google logo of today but a littlebit darker.
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Cekootje , my bad !^^ here is the grey/brown version with business cards. ( it's grey on my screen )
Cekootje zegt :
Maybe it's tricking the eye again but I thought your original designs had a touch of brown in the dark areas. Can you try to make that a little more pronounced?
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Cekootje, here is the change of color scheme, i understood that you wanted the color of the business card so i hope it's ok ^^
Axel Sonnet zegt
sorry,you were right about the "C" logo of business card, it was a bit different from previous one ^^ . This one is from the business cards.
Cekootje zegt :
Allright! Love the logo, but I wanted the other color scheme :-) I like the brownish color, I just wanted to see how it looks on a businesscard.
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Here is an exemple of business cards. ( other inforamtions missing like mail, phone number etc...)
Cekootje zegt :
Looks awesome man. The logo on the dark cards is different than on the white cards right? I think the one on the white cards is the best one yet. Can you match the color scheme that's on your other designs?
Cekootje zegt :
Looks awesome man. The logo on the dark cards is different than on the white cards right? I think the one on the white cards is the best one yet. Can you match the color scheme that's on your other designs?
Axel Sonnet zegt
Thanks! in this last version ( business card ) the logo on white is exactly the same that the one on dark , may be the contrast is tricking the eye^^ What did you mean about the color scheme ?
Cekootje zegt :
Yeah I could be tricked by the eye :-) They are somewhat different than the last logo design right? I like the logo in these cards the best.
What I meant with the color scheme is that the cards (the dark ones) look a littlebit like dark blue. On the other designs you sent it was more like dark brown or something. Is it possible to match that color on the example with the business cards? -
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Cekootje, i made another version with the K more visible by pushing C hole to the left as you said.
Is it better like this ? -
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Cekootje, here is my design with this modern & classy concept: only font with indentation and reference to development languages ( comment, tags..) let me kwnow if you like the concept , i can make other design based on this concept ( feel free to give me ideas to make better references for programmation codes )
Axel Sonnet zegt
The letter "K" appears inside the letter "C"
Cekootje zegt :
Hey Axel, I love this design a lot (also the one with the white background). I'll have to let it sink in for a while but I think it's a strong one. Thanks for your effort so far!
Axel Sonnet zegt
Thanks for your positive feebacks! let me know if you want me to make some variations/modifications.
Cekootje zegt :
Can you tell me anything about the green bubble in front of the C? I like it and I know it makes the letter K but is there any more to it? Is it possible to make the K more pronounced? Maybe move the 'hole' of the C a littlebit to the left (I don't know)
Cekootje zegt :
By the way this contest was also for the stationery, do you have an example for something like that?
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Cekootje, here is my design with this modern & classy concept: only font with indentation and reference to development languages ( comment, tags..) let me kwnow if you like the concept , i can make other design based on this concept ( feel free to give me ideas to make better references for programmation codes )
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Cekootje, here is my design with this modern & classy concept: only font with indentation and reference to development languages ( comment, tags..) let me kwnow if you like the concept , i can make other design based on this concept ( feel free to give me ideas to make better references for programmation codes )
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Cekootje, here is my design with this modern & classy concept: only font with indentation and reference to development languages ( comment, tags..) let me kwnow if you like the concept , i can make other design based on this concept ( feel free to give me ideas to make better references for programmation codes )
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